Looking at the big picture, the two things that corrupt ruling elites want to see TERMINATED are the Constitution and God Himself
The U.S. government was never meant to be an all-inclusive entity involved in almost every aspect of our lives, the way it is today. So how did we get to this point and what areas of our lives need to be taken back from the illegitimate claims of government in order for us to be able to say we live in a truly free country?
Watch the brief video below, provided by Hillsdale College, comparing the Founders’ vision of government under a constitutional republic, to the modern version of government under a “democracy” as defined for us by our oligarchal overlords. The transition from a constitutional republic to a so-called “democracy” where all societal narratives are tightly controlled by a ruling elite has happened so gradually that few people are even aware that the transition has taken place, even though it is now almost totally complete.
The video above got me thinking about all the things the U.S government has said it wants to ban, has already banned, or plans to ban but hasn’t told you yet.
Keep in mind that before the government moves to ban a particular item, it will use the corporate mass-media to put out propaganda attacking that item and how it’s bad for the environment or some other liberal cause. Often the item or product we are told we must use in place of the banned item is much worse for the environment.
The U.S. government was never meant to be an all-inclusive entity involved in almost every aspect of our lives, the way it is today. So how did we get to this point and what areas of our lives need to be taken back from the illegitimate claims of government in order for us to be able to say we live in a truly free country?
Watch the brief video below, provided by Hillsdale College, comparing the Founders’ vision of government under a constitutional republic, to the modern version of government under a “democracy” as defined for us by our oligarchal overlords. The transition from a constitutional republic to a so-called “democracy” where all societal narratives are tightly controlled by a ruling elite has happened so gradually that few people are even aware that the transition has taken place, even though it is now almost totally complete.
The video above got me thinking about all the things the U.S government has said it wants to ban, has already banned, or plans to ban but hasn’t told you yet.
Keep in mind that before the government moves to ban a particular item, it will use the corporate mass-media to put out propaganda attacking that item and how it’s bad for the environment or some other liberal cause. Often the item or product we are told we must use in place of the banned item is much worse for the environment.

20 common functions of American life the government wants to regulate, restrict or outright ban
Looking at the big picture, the two things that corrupt ruling elites want to see TERMINATED are the Constitution and God Himself The U.S. government was never meant to be an all-inclusive entity i…