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‘Everyone Is Afraid’: Haiti’s Armed Militias Terrorize Christians in Barbecue’s ‘Bloody Revolution’

Tall Timbers

Imperfect but forgiven
Staff member
Violent gangs in Haiti have kidnapped “a lot” of Catholic priests and churchgoers in the past week as the Caribbean nation descends deeper into gang-led chaos, Christian outlets reported on Monday.

Catholic organizations have urged the faithful to pray for “restored order” in Haiti as organized armed militias led by Jimmy “Barbecue” Cherizier take control of the country. Cherizier, who in recent years has repeatedly demanded the ouster of all Haitian politicians, publicly made calls for a “bloody revolution” on Monday.

“There have been a lot of abductions of church personnel, priests religious [sic] in the last few months,” Boleg said. “And sometimes these people are kidnapped and then released a few days later, but a number of religious kidnapped last month are still in captivity.”

“They were kidnapped by an armed gang, but no one knows where they are being kept,” Boleg explained, “and the motivation for these abductions is not clear, either.”

Please pray for Missionaries Bobby and Sherry Burnette and the entire staff. Have known this couple for years and they are the real deal, having lived in Haiti for decades in the orphanage with their 100-some children (some of whom are legally adopted and bear their last name). Their programs have been transforming this area of Haiti (Fond Parisian.) And people in the mountains areas benefit from their ministries. I could go on and on. They are seniors now with extreme faith and no intention of leaving their children. I am trying not to worry myself sick about them.
From their website today:

Word from the Mission Field​

MARCH 13, 2024 | 6:00AM
In our God will we trust!
“Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by the day.” (Psalms 91:5) Our comfort in times like these is found in Psalms, Chapter 91. Please read the whole chapter this morning.
The prime minister of Haiti has resigned. Haiti has no president, senators, parliament… no government. The gangs think they are in control. It looks like Kenya will not come now, because Haiti has no government. No, God is in control! We will not be afraid, but trust in the Lord our God. The Lord will send help to the Haitian people! God has a remnant in Haiti who knows how to pray! Thank you for your prayers and support.
Bobby Burnette
My denomination has had missionaries in Haiti for a long time, but officially only since 1978. The stories those missionaries can tell :yikes:
But they walk in faith and stay and each saved soul is a miracle and testament to The Holy Ghost's Work and presence <3
Won't post links, as amillennial/preterist.

Missionaries have historically worked in some of the darkest, most evil places on the planet, and are not strangers to cultures and religions that practice cannibalism and human sacrifice. These are two things that differentiate mission work in muslim areas from the rest of the pagan world.

Would the US send their armies to Haiti if the situation got worse or is it kind of their issue to deal with ?
If outsiders don't help, the Haitian government will fall or get completely taken over by the gangs, crime lords, and cartels. What's been going on the last years is a legacy of Papa Doc, Baby Doc, and other corrupt leaders and government officials, and is fueled by drugs, desperate poverty, and human trafficking.

Many, many Haitians fleeing for their lives into the Domincan Republic and across the Caribbean to anyplace they can. DR is trying to stem the flood. Some Haitians even flee to Cuba is absolute desperation (or makeshift rafts end up there). Fleeing Haitians among the hordes crossing the border from Mexico, and some of the most desperate. They're also among the first to get turned back or deported, and any caught crossing toward the U.S. by sea are sent back to Haiti, to Guantanamo or a thrid country. Haitians are also among those, who eagerly (not just willingly) serve in U.S. military to earn citizenship, and some of the most professional Soldiers I ever met were from Haiti. They truly appreciated the chance they had.

There is a significant Hatian population in Minnesota and Haitian-run organizations to help Haitians both here and in Haiti. It's amazing to see what a family can do with what we think of as so very little. Families here working minimum wage jobs manage to send $ to family members in Haiti, where it can mean the difference between life and death.

In the midst of all this, Haiti has some beautiful beaches. Sadly, unsafe, unless one is "connected" and has access to someplace, which is heavily guarded, and even then . . . :(
I’m half Dominican and I can tell you there is a deep hatred of Haitians in the DR. I hear it with my grandfather and uncle. They see them as barbaric and dirty. It’s sad how messed up their country seems to always be and the Demonic practices they follow.

I have met some really hard working Haitians in my life and they can be so grateful for the opportunity to work in other countries.