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‘Evangelical’ Seminaries — The Latest Example Of The Church’s Willingness To Accommodate Sin

By David Bowen for
Harbingers Daily

This week, a headline caught my eye: “California evangelical seminary ponders changes that would make it more welcoming to LGBTQ students.” The seminary is Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, California. What caught my attention is that just five years ago, Fuller was sued for expelling a student who was in a same-sex marriage, so it made me wonder why they were now looking at accepting same-sex relationships.

Expelled From Seminary​

The lawsuit came from an online student from Fort Worth, Texas, who began taking online classes through a Texas satellite campus in 2015. She says she was single when she started taking those classes but later married her female partner. A school administrator found out about her change in marital status through her 2016 tax return, which was included in her financial aid documentation. When the administration questioned her, she said that in 2018 she wrote a letter to the School of Theology dean. The response she received was the citing of the school’s policy on marriage, which Fuller stated biblical marriage is a “covenant union between one man and one woman.” Then, the school expelled her from the seminary.

Church Acceptance​

That was November of 2019, and now in May of 2024, we see the headline that states Fuller Seminary is pondering changes that would make it more welcoming to LGBTQ students. One has to wonder what happened between 2019 and 2024? Maybe the answer comes from an April 2nd Harbinger’s Daily article that said 41% of churchgoers find no biblical problem with homosexual marriages. The article confirms that almost all of those who claim to hold to a biblical standard for marriage have now changed to holding a position of acceptance.

Another Harbinger’s Daily article, this one from March 25, 2024, said more Americans (and Christians) now support same-sex marriage. The article sourced a recent Gallup polls that reported 71% of Americans think same-sex “marriage” should be legal, and 64% believe gay or lesbian relationships are morally acceptable. These numbers are double that of a generation ago! This means the general acceptance of supporting same-sex marriage is on the increase.

United States Supreme Court​

It was Friday, June 26, 2015, when the United States Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage by a 5-4 decision. That decision was not expected to come down until Monday, June 29, but it happened on the Friday before. So, that Sunday, I remember speaking about it during church service. I knew that the church would never be the same again. I knew that the Supreme Court decision just divided the church. I knew that some on one side of the church aisle would be against the decision and others on the other side of the aisle would be okay with the ruling. With nine years of hindsight behind us, we see that as true. Surveys are showing each year the Christian population gravitates towards accepting same-sex marriage.

World Magazine....​

