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Women Are Being Punched in the Face All Over New York City

Tall Timbers

Imperfect but forgiven
Staff member
Despite endless data suggesting otherwise, Democrats say that crime isn’t spiking. Tell that to the scores of women who have been victimized, especially those in New York City. There appears to be an epidemic of thugs who are punching women in the face. These aren’t isolated incidents, and would you be shocked if these weren’t first-time offenders? These incidents have been posted to social media, which has led to other women commenting that they’ve been victimized as well.

You guys, I was literally just walking, and a man came up and punched me in the face,” Halley Kate Mcgookin, a New York-based fashion influencer, said in a March 25 video posted to TikTok that has since been viewed 49 million times.

Now, we have innocent women being brutalized in our streets. No doubt, some of these acts were committed by people who were mentally ill. You still need to lock them up. As for repeat violent offenders, look no further than the city’s insane bail laws. Democrat policies are breeding violence and chaos. Do I feel bad for these women? Yes, but the city knew what they got when they voted in their municipal elections.

Women Are Being Punched in the Face All Over New York City
The perilous times the Lord warned us of (2 Tim. 3:1 "But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come:") erupt in ugly surprises. Five years ago I would not have predicted such a hatred for women, children, and older folks.

I would have expected hatred for Bible believers and conservatives.

Now that it's coming out in the open it makes sense. Uncivilized brutish urges coming out.

2 Tim 3:2-4 "For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy3 unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, 4 traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God,"
If you end up a target of the knock-down game, best to go down on the first hit and try to land/roll onto your back. No one can come up behind you if you're laying on the ground face up, so easier to defend one's self if the cowards persist.

When thugs attack in groups, they're cowards. When working alone, or possibly with one other, they know better what they're doing and may not be so cowardly.

Predators pick the weak, or those, who appears to be weak, or the risk is less than the perceived reward (don't have anything obviously valuable out in public, to include phone). Small, old, and especially female, sometimes mentally ill, intoxicated/drunk, and/or a child. Sometimes, they get an ugly surprise :big grin; :lol: Fun to work plain-clothes to catch predator(s) (I only look like a good victim) :)
Are the perpetrators muslims (not all of whom are immigrants), who want women to cover their faces and hair (and elbows and legs, etc.)?

Lesson to be learned from the experience of one of the victims in the article: don't go around distracted, pay attention to what's going on and who is around you. Put the phone away and leave it hidden out of sight when out-and-about.

Another crime that is perpetrated in connection with phones is called "apple picking." Criminal snatches someone's cell phone while he or she is using it and walks/runs away, disappearing . . . the victim, unless he or she has a second phone, with a friend, or kindly stranger, can't even call police. A hidden 911-only lowly old flip phone would be helpful, but better to avoid getting "picked" in the first place.
If you end up a target of the knock-down game, best to go down on the first hit and try to land/roll onto your back. No one can come up behind you if you're laying on the ground face up, so easier to defend one's self if the cowards persist.

The victims of the "knock out game" are usually hit once, hard enough to knock her down, then the criminal takes off. These are often wanna-be gang members doing a stunt for initiation.
The victims of the "knock out game" are usually hit once, hard enough to knock her down, then the criminal takes off. These are often wanna-be gang members doing a stunt for initiation.

When I worked in the St. Louis Metro, if the victim (man, woman, or child) didn't go down on the first hit for whatever reason, the thugs continued until the person did go down, and often added in kicks, stomps, etc. after the person was down.