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Will This Time Of War In Israel Pave The Way For A Time Of Counterfeit Peace?


Last month, Prime Minister Netanyahu quoted the book of Ecclesiastes, declaring, “The Bible says there’s a time for peace and a time for war. This is a time for war.” He’s dead right about that. Israel’s most important priority right now is to defeat and displace Hamas. That is the predicate for any future lasting peace in the Middle East.

Prime Minister Netanyahu called the current conflict Israel’s “second War of Independence.”

The first War of Independence was in 1948, the rebirth of the modern state of Israel, when they were invaded by five nations simultaneously. Calling this their “second war of independence” is a powerful statement. Netanyahu also said Israel is “only at the beginning” regarding the conflict with the terrorist organization.

A Time For War​

Israel has now penetrated deeply into Gaza and is “tightening the noose” on Hamas. Hamas’ days, I believe, are numbered. The bigger concern right now is up on the northern front with Hezbollah, which is another surrogate/proxy of Iran. They are a much more formidable foe than Hamas.

There has been a recent increase in heavy barrages coming into Israel from Hezbollah. They’re hitting further and further into Israel, which then is causing Israel to respond with its airpower hitting further and further into Lebanon. We are seeing a major escalation between Hezbollah and Israel, both in the terrorist group’s attacks, aggression, and rhetoric.

So far, Hezbollah is just a major distraction. But the question is, will they open a full-scale second front? Many believe they will. The calculus right now for Hezbollah is that once Israel deals a death blow to Hamas, they’re going to be next and that this is the best time, while Israel is distracted with Hamas, for them to make their all-out attack.

