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Will This Time Of War In Israel Pave The Way For A Time Of Counterfeit Peace?


The Bible tells us that the event that starts the coming seven-year tribulation period, the time of Jacob’s trouble, is a covenant that the Antichrist, the final world ruler, will make with many in the land of Israel.

We know it will involve some kind of peace agreement, because Daniel 9:27 describes the covenant allowing Israel sovereignty, the rebuilding of a temple, and the renewing of their sacrifices on the temple mount. For that to happen, there has to be a peace guarantee.

Daniel 9:27 says, “And he [this coming prince/Antichrist] shall confirm the covenant with many for one week [seven years]…”

Lots more at the link.

Daniel 9:27 describes the covenant allowing Israel sovereignty, the rebuilding of a temple, and the renewing of their sacrifices on the temple mount. For that to happen, there has to be a peace guarantee.

The above all seems like additional speculation to me. Israel is already sovereign. They could at least start rebuilding the Temple anytime they please and resume the sacrifices on the Temple Mount. How the world would react to that... probably not well, but I don't believe Daniel 9:27 contains information on the stuff above that is claimed.
The above all seems like additional speculation to me. Israel is already sovereign. They could at least start rebuilding the Temple anytime they please and resume the sacrifices on the Temple Mount. How the world would react to that... probably not well, but I don't believe Daniel 9:27 contains information on the stuff above that is claimed.
Yeah so far only way i could see it is if Saudi Arabia does the fake news disclaimer about the temple mount being a holy muslim site
The above all seems like additional speculation to me. Israel is already sovereign. They could at least start rebuilding the Temple anytime they please and resume the sacrifices on the Temple Mount. How the world would react to that... probably not well, but I don't believe Daniel 9:27 contains information on the stuff above that is claimed.
Sorry to disagree with you here, TT.
Israel isn't free to start building the Temple as of yet.
They do have the Temple at the ready, like a giant Lego-package.
The Temple Institute has estimated that it takes only 7 months to build it up.
If only the Al Aqsa mosque and the Dome of the Rock were out of the way.
But I don't believe that Israel would want the wrath of the whole world for blowing it up.

My scenario would be:
First the Ez war 38 - Muslim countries are slain to pieces
The AC steps up - makes (increases an existing) peacetreaty for 7 years,
and grants Israel permission to build the Temple.
The Jews hail the AC for it as their Moschiach, but after 3.5 years AC betrays the Jews
Of couse, one little misfired rocket from Hamas would also do the trick nicely of cleaning the Templemount,
but then still there would be the wrath of the whole world, especially the Muslim world....

You remember Moshe Dayan, the hero of the Six-Day War? He ceded the control over the Templemount to the Arab spiritual authority of Jerusalem, the so-called waqf. Dayan did this as a gesture of goodwill to the deeply humiliated Arab world in order to facilitate a ceasefire.

And there you have it. Israel always tries to be fair, even to the detriment of themselves.
I don't see Netanyahu acting any different over the Templemount. The opposition and backlash from the US, UN and all the other countries would weigh too much.

Btw, this is only from a human point of view. God's plan will prevail, how and when He pleases.
Mark Hitchcock is a very good theologian and thinker. The long game is what he is talking about whether this war is merely an opener to other prophetic fulfillment or becomes a prophetic war in itself.

This stood out to me in that article in the OP

"One other interesting development this month surrounded a paramilitary group in Russia, the Wagner group. They were headed by Yevgeny Prigozhin, who led a brief coup against Vladimir Putin before dying under very suspicious circumstances earlier this year. The Wagner group is transferring air defense systems to Hezbollah.

So, we now have Russia, one of the nations from Ezekiel chapter 38 that will attempt to invade Israel in the end times, providing air defense systems to Hezbollah through the Wagner group."

He cowrote a new book with Jeff Kinley I think it was (he was talking about it with Jan Markell the other day) and Amazon was publishing it, then YANKED it because it violated something that bothered them up in Amazon Central Command. I think the anti semitic little woke snowflakes got bothered because

the topic is this current war. He and Jeff wanted to get a book on it out fast and now it's not available because Amazon doesn't want me or anyone else to read it.

Which just makes me want it all the more.


back to Russia. That little gem goes along with Putin's pivot to Hamas, and now Hezbollah. There were indicators that the Russians were involved in training Hamas in drone tech and other stuff just before the invasion into Israel.

That is actually quite a pivot and I've been watching it happen since Putin invaded Ukraine. Israel criticized them mildly and immediately lost their Israeli Agency people inside Russia who had been working to help Russian Jews settle in Israel. Putin kicked them out and stopped that program working inside Russia. That was the beginnings of another surge of Russian antisemitism.
We know it will involve some kind of peace agreement, because Daniel 9:27 describes the covenant allowing Israel sovereignty, the rebuilding of a temple, and the renewing of their sacrifices on the temple mount. For that to happen, there has to be a peace guarantee.

Oh I agree it is speculation as we don't have details and timing on how things will exactly shake out but I don't think he is being dogmatic, just suggesting that this might be how things could happen.

The way that statement is worded in the article it seemed to me that there was a claim that Daniel 9:27 contained all that information. That's what led to my post. Too often I hear claims that I at least can't find in the Bible about what's coming. There are lots of differences in opinion about what's coming and what order it will come in but so long as they're opinions that come from study of the Word and not attributing the authority of the Word to mere speculation, then my alarm bells don't go off... *maisey*
Sorry to disagree with you here, TT.
Israel isn't free to start building the Temple as of yet.
They do have the Temple at the ready, like a giant Lego-package.
The Temple Institute has estimated that it takes only 7 months to build it up.
If only the Al Aqsa mosque and the Dome of the Rock were out of the way.
But I don't believe that Israel would want the wrath of the whole world for blowing it up.

My scenario would be:
First the Ez war 38 - Muslim countries are slain to pieces
The AC steps up - makes (increases an existing) peacetreaty for 7 years,
and grants Israel permission to build the Temple.
The Jews hail the AC for it as their Moschiach, but after 3.5 years AC betrays the Jews

I respect what you're saying but it appears your thoughts come from our perceptions of how things are at the moment. Basing our thoughts on Biblical prophecy by packaging it into the current state of the world isn't usually effective in terms of seeing what's coming. I don't believe Israel would want the wrath of the whole world upon it either, but that won't matter one bit when the moment comes that they are destined to rebuild the Temple.

I also think when I play out scenarios in my head that the most likely time for rebuilding the Temple would be following Ez 38-39.

I don't believe the Bible indicates that Israel needs permission from the ac to build the Temple. I think that's human speculation as well, though not without some basis given the relationship the ac will have to/with the Temple. I mention that because some of the scholars we listen too seem to pull the ac giving Israel permission to build the Temple out of the Bible. I don't think it's there but am open to correction. I think the basis comes from faulty logic. Does that mean it won't happen that way? No.

I have no issues with speculation and do much of it myself, so long as the authority of the Word is not attached to it.
I'm wonder if Israel thinks or has the mindsight now that they are pretty much close to completely destroying Hamas?