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Why must I torture myself?


The amount of false teaching that is leading the church down the primrose path just adds fuel to the fires of indignation against dispensationalists. I read this this morning, "Nutty Dispensationalism makes Chrisitianity (sic) look stupid brings dishonor to Christ’s name." Really?? You're going to cast all dispensationalists into a camp of bringing shame to the name of Jesus? (Tortured!)

What I have found is there is a lot of "Amills" and "Postmills" who try to dig as hard as they can into every political/Historical/Judaic/Greek/Roman event or custom of the times to explain away the simple truths in Revelation and other prophetical books. The unlearned fawn before them taking their words as gospel truth. "Oh, I never knew that." Or "Wow! Now I understand that symbol." et al. I feel sorry for them, really. Because they produce disciples that in many cases are not looking to Jesus and the "Blessed Hope," but to themselves, their lives, their jobs, and their recreations. Yes, those are important and should not be neglected. But are they more important than seeing, loving and worshipping Jesus?. To me they miss out on so many blessings.
  • I get really excited when I think of Christ's imminent return.
  • I get excited to know I will meet loved ones in the clouds at the rapture on our way to paradise.
  • I get excited to know that Jesus will bring avenging judgment upon all the sins and sinners who have wrought so much unjust pain in our society by their wrongdoings. Ask any person who has been hurt by a drunk driver or know of an innocent murdered, or those by rape and trafficking etc. and you will know what I mean by God's vengeance.
  • I get excited to envision casting crowns at the feet of Jesus or being tasked with Heavenly and Millennial service to the King.
  • I get excited about that Wedding in Heaven!
  • And How about the future Wedding Feast? Eh? Cannot wait.
  • And I get excited to know Jesus will cast the AC (Beast) and False Prophet into the Lake of fire. And eventually the serpent to join them.

Yes, there are prophecy teaching "crazies" in our world, looking for a sign under every stone. They are easily spotted and Holy Spirit illuminates us to who they are. But the true honest God-fearing believer rightly divides the word of truth and does not need to constantly seek out ways to malign those that do not agree with biblical truth. It takes 100 times more effort to try and explain away the rapture and Premillennial dispensationalism than to simply take the Bible for what it says, be happy, and move on.

God be Praised!
You know, it's interesting how the Apostle Paul had a very strong expectation of the nearness of Christ's return. You can see or read his expectation of this sprinkled throughout his letters. And in regards to shortness of time that he expresses, its often connected to the expected nearnes of Jesus' return..... so much so that he speaks as if he expected this to happen in his own lifetime. Here are a couple of examples:

But let me say this, dear brothers and sisters: The time that remains is very short. So from now on, those with wives should not focus only on their marriage. Those who weep or who rejoice or who buy things should not be absorbed by their weeping or their joy or their possessions. Those who use the things of the world should not become attached to them. For this world as we know it will soon pass away.

1 Cor 7:29-31

These things [Israel's history] happened to them as examples for us. They were written down to warn us who live at the end of the age.

1 Cor 10:11

These are not references to Rome, countries, a movement.....but rather to a time period and the world at large with its whole set up satanic system.

Paul is encouraging God's loved ones to hold the things of their lives loosely in the knowledge of the soon return of Jesus Christ (not the tribulation), and that's a consistent theme throughout all his letters. While things of our lives are necessary for this time, we are not to become overly attached as those things will disappear......soon, giving way to so much better.

Now that's a wonderful hope and partially explains why Paul wasn't caught up in writing about the horrific politics of the day (Nero's terrible cruelty)....of course that's not to say there isn't a place for observation of politics today in terms of prophetic events unfolding, but this is to show how expectant Paul was for Christ's return.
The "one is bad or corrupting or false, means all are" position of the naysayers for Christians is not allowed in most other avenues. That proves the narrative is about their endgame. We do have a lot of false teachers in this world. Some from atheism, some from science fiction (perhaps the same), some from the occult/cults, some from very unsolid churches, and some from rock solid churches. It's frustrating when hype and hysteria, fiction and fantasy, and all around false teachings are pushed out into the massive capabilities of TV, radio, print, internet, phone calls, and texting. It allows for so much more visibility and fuels their fire to cast down on all of the Bible and all Christians.
  • I get really excited when I think of Christ's imminent return.
  • I get excited to know I will meet loved ones in the clouds at the rapture on our way to paradise.
  • I get excited to know that Jesus will bring avenging judgment upon all the sins and sinners who have wrought so much unjust pain in our society by their wrongdoings. Ask any person who has been hurt by a drunk driver or know of an innocent murdered, or those by rape and trafficking etc. and you will know what I mean by God's vengeance.
  • I get excited to envision casting crowns at the feet of Jesus or being tasked with Heavenly and Millennial service to the King.
  • I get excited about that Wedding in Heaven!
  • And How about the future Wedding Feast? Eh? Cannot wait.
  • And I get excited to know Jesus will cast the AC (Beast) and False Prophet into the Lake of fire. And eventually the serpent to join them.