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Why Christ? by Dr. Mike Murphy

Almost Heaven

“All religions are the same”
“Any religion can get you to heaven”
“Every religion worships the same god”

We have all heard these statements over and over. We hear many discard and diminish religion, telling us that religion has no place in society. We hear many claim that religion is just a way to control men, to manipulate the world in a direction that religion wants it to move. We hear many tell us that this world has moved beyond religion, no longer in need of religion's gods. And we hear many tell us that religion is restricting us, prohibiting this earth from becoming all it can be. I have news that may shock you, I firmly agree with the many.
I am a man of strong Christian faith. I believe that Christ was exactly who He said He was. I believe every word of the Bible. And I believe that the Lord God was the One who set this world into motion, and He alone is in control of this world today. So you may ask yourself, how can I believe this and agree with the one’s I mentioned above? I can do so because of one statement. I just as firmly believe that Christianity is not a religion.
I once heard religion best defined as a belief or set of codes that qualifies and disqualifies an individual based on how well they follow those codes, and how they act in performance with those codes. That definition just about sums religion up. Religion has so often provided man a way to maintain and abuse the power some have over others. Religion has always been created by man, and has never been the intent of God. Religion opens the door to change the codes or “requirements” as it goes, requirements that can be changed or manipulated in order for the few to gain more power. Every religion is built upon the concepts of men. Concepts that teach man how he can reach a higher state through his efforts to follow the requirements the religion sets forth. Requirements where the masses never see the benefit, only the “high power” and those in a position of power do.

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From the article:

The easiest way to describe the difference between Christianity and every religion of this world, is to simply look at “Whose” hands are reaching. In every religion, we see man reaching up to God, trying to find a work-like way he can hope to gain access to God. In Christianity, we see God reaching down to man, looking to lovingly bring man forever into His presence.​

From the article:

The easiest way to describe the difference between Christianity and every religion of this world, is to simply look at “Whose” hands are reaching. In every religion, we see man reaching up to God, trying to find a work-like way he can hope to gain access to God. In Christianity, we see God reaching down to man, looking to lovingly bring man forever into His presence.​


HUGE difference! :nod:
From the article:

The easiest way to describe the difference between Christianity and every religion of this world, is to simply look at “Whose” hands are reaching. In every religion, we see man reaching up to God, trying to find a work-like way he can hope to gain access to God. In Christianity, we see God reaching down to man, looking to lovingly bring man forever into His presence.​

That's an excellent way of demonstrating the difference between Christianity and other religions.Thank you for sharing that