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White House report signals openness to manipulating sunlight to prevent climate change


A research document published on the White House's website reveals the Biden administration is open to studying how to block sunlight to save the earth from climate change.

The congressionally mandated report released by the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy on Friday shows that the team has been researching "geoengineering" methods to keep the sun rays from accelerating global warming.

As the University of Oxford notes in its entry on the subject, "geoengineering" is "the deliberate large-scale intervention in the Earth’s natural systems to counteract climate change."

According to the report, titled "Congressionally-Mandated Report on Solar Radiation Modification," the types of geoengineering methods the Biden administration is looking into are "stratospheric aerosol injection (SAI) and marine cloud brightening." Additionally, the paper mentions there is research in "cirrus cloud thinning."

The introduction to the report indicated that research into "space-based approaches" has not been occurring, as "geoengineering" is easier to implement.

The document read, "The focus on atmospheric approaches also follows from their greater near-term feasibility relative to spacebased approaches."

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Good grief 🙄
They continue to mess with God's design in Creation.

The Lord is going to come to say "Enough!" .

*The Day of The Lord is Coming quickly.

"The nations were angry, and Your wrath has come, And the time of the dead, that they should be judged, And that You should reward Your servants the prophets and the saints, And those who fear Your name, small and great,

**And should destroy those who destroy the earth.”
Revelation 11:18
But that's what happens as a result of what Romans 1 says, and I believe it has happened, that "God has given them over to debased minds". "They are fools"...
Unable to reason.

They "will reap what they sow."
I Pray for these who have lost their minds to repent and to turn to God, putting their faith in Jesus, The Only Way to The Father.
They need to seek God while He can still be found.🙏 Isaiah 55:6
The insanity is seriously contagious 😵‍💫

Related news:

EU To Consider Blocking Out Sun – Bloomberg​

June 27, 2023

The European Union is looking into technologies involving large-scale interventions into natural phenomena like sun rays or the atmosphere, as part of its new strategy for tackling climate change, Bloomberg reported on Monday, citing a draft document that might be made public later this week.

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This is a "VIP" article so I can't share the entirety of it but there's enough readable to make you want to laugh at the insanity of the US regime in charge.

The title alone speaks volumes when you compare it to this thread title.

Hold your belly tight. Have a good laugh but also be nervous at who's running the country.

Thank God He's in control of everything! 🙌


Biden Admin Pushes Solar Panels — While Looking to Block Sunlight?!​


Biden Admin Pushes Solar Panels — While Looking to Block Sunlight?!
(AP Photo/Rich Pedroncelli, file)
In the latest instance of ridiculous leftist climate hypocrisy, the Biden administration is pondering geoengineering technology to block sunlight to solve “global warming” — not long after announcing millions of dollars in investment for solar panels, which require lots of sun to generate energy. Try and make sense of that one. Climate alarmists’ predictions have been consistently and outrageously wrong for 50 years now, but trust the experts.........