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Where Do We Get Truth


Just waiting for the Rapture at this point!
Where Do We Get Truth

We currently live in times where everyone wants to share their opinion, especially with social media. I am not saying that sharing ones opinion is bad, but they share it most times based only on what they happen to think and act as though it is a fact. An example would be someone who knows nothing about cars but really likes Fords and will state that Fords are the best. When asked why they believe that, the answer will be well that is what I think.

So what we happen to think is not a fact or truth, unless it has some basis of fact that we can show. Sure we can say there is gravity, but we can prove that. We can define a word correctly if we get the definition from the dictionary. However, we cannot define a word as a fact or truth by just what we happen to think it means. I myself have come across some words which I had the wrong definition of because I never looked them up, I just went with what I thought.

The Bible which is God's Word is truth, not just what we happen to think. Here is some scripture that states that.

Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
John 17:17 Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.

Many people today go with whatever they happen to think. Some say, well even if I am wrong I am going with what I want to think and that is who I am. Really? Are they really going with what they want to think or could Satan who is alive and well be giving them some ideas like he did with Eve?

So what is my point? We Christians who believe the Bible must use that to understand truth or facts, not what we happen to think. Eve's thinking is just what got us into this mess. If she had stuck to God's Word, all would have been good!

Goodboy 😊
Good OP.

I would add is making sure we properly understand the Word. Many Christians faithfully study the bible, being led by the Holy Spirit, yet can come to different conclusions on the meaning of select verses. Does this mean we all need to make sure we are being led by the Holy Spirit, and make sure its His teaching on the meaning of scripture, and not get it confused with what we want it to mean? I think the latter is what has caused so many different denominations to form, of which many interpreted scripture in different directions.

Good topic.