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When you now think of France think Islamic!


Charter member
The native French in France, as well in other European countries are being replaced, so to speak, their prominence, their culture, voting power by Islamic immigrant's. This is due to two factors, native French abortions (not enough babies to replace dying natives) and liberal immigration policies.

The French continue to watch the de-Christianization and Islamization of their country

Bells of churches have gone silent while muezzin's calls to Islamic prayer are broadcast across the land

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This is very bad news for France. They will be under Sharia Law very soon at this rate. But this is in part because back as far as 2009, churches were falling into disuse because of lack of interest among the younger generations.
Obama was working to the same end for the USA but Trump stopped it. None-the-less, some places in the USA are heavily affected by the islamic population now. Minneapolis comes to mind. I don't believe diben has resumed the massive islamic inflow that was occurring under obama.