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When did a theory become a fact?


Just waiting for the Rapture at this point!
When did a theory become a fact?

I am 70 years old and when I was in school they taught evolution, but they taught it as a theory. Now it is taught as and believed to be a fact.
This has become true with most science teaches. They state as a fact how old the earth is and many other things that they are not 100 percent really sure about. Just watch National Geographic or some other science program.
So now days it is actually Ok to teach or state a theory as a fact. Sadly this also has crept into Christendom. Some Pastors and Christian authors take Bible scripture and create a theory from the Bible facts. But here is the point.
You can’t take a fact and mix it up with some other facts that alter the original facts meaning, as it will no longer become a fact but a theory!!!

Here is a very bad example….
1) My gasoline car can travel 35 miles on a gallon of gas.
2) You have a gasoline car, so you can travel 35 miles on a gallon of gas.

While the two statements above could be true, the first is a fact and the second is just a theory.

Goodboy :)
When did a theory become a fact?

I am 70 years old and when I was in school they taught evolution, but they taught it as a theory. Now it is taught as and believed to be a fact.
This has become true with most science teaches. They state as a fact how old the earth is and many other things that they are not 100 percent really sure about. Just watch National Geographic or some other science program.
So now days it is actually Ok to teach or state a theory as a fact. Sadly this also has crept into Christendom. Some Pastors and Christian authors take Bible scripture and create a theory from the Bible facts. But here is the point.
You can’t take a fact and mix it up with some other facts that alter the originals facts meaning, as it will no longer become a fact but a theory!!!

Here is a very bad example….
1) My gasoline car can travel 35 miles on a gallon of gas.
2) You have a gasoline car, so you can travel 35 miles on a gallon of gas.

While the two statements above could be true, the first is a fact and the second is just a theory.

Goodboy :)
There are people who are mixed up in their thinking. They need to get their facts straight which is truth because a theory is not truth. It can be what a person guesses but needs to be proven as truth then it is a fact.
Would you say that 'literal six-day creationism' is a fact or a theory? They believe the entire universe is 6,000 years old and I can't believe that.

Here's why

If we "evolved" then we don't have a Creator. No Creator - no need for salvation.

If Adam and Eve were simply 2 of many "evolving" proto humans then Adam's fall wouldn't matter. But the Bible says that in Adam we all fell. That is why Jesus had to be virgin born of a woman. The "seed of the woman" as God said in Genesis.

Because Adam and Eve were the only ones, and our lineage and inheritance comes from the male side, we fell when Adam did. All his "seed" or descendants would inherit the sinful fallen state. But not thru the woman's side of things.

So we fell when Adam did. No other male progenitor around to reset things. Because Adam was created by God to rule Creation, Creation fell with Adam.

If we "evolved" then there is no need for salvation again, because there was no Adam to fall.

That presents a serious problem for any Christian looking at a long ages model which usually expands to fit the failing theory of evolution. If we need salvation, why is that?

For the science, there are a number of groups that explain it.

Barry Setterfield https://www.barrysetterfield.org/ goes into the physics behind time and the universe using zero point energy.

Ken Ham's group here Answers in Genesis has plenty of resources including slightly different ways it could have happened.

My late uncle Dr Ker Thomson wrote this for Creation Ministries International and there are more resources at that site as well. Ker C Thomson, geophysics (In Six Days) My uncle used the Second Law of Thermodynamics to explain why evolution is impossible in that brief article.

Here is the link to a further discussion in CMI Genesis Questions and Answers