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What has happened to the First Amendment and religious freedom?


Staff member
It never ceases to amaze me that in allegedly protecting the United States Constitution, the legal system today actually violates it.

The first clause of the First Amendment states: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof." Yet we see ruling after ruling ordering the removal of crosses, ten commandment plaques, and other religious symbols, while also banning the saying of prayers or the invocation of the name of Jesus Christ. Are these not laws "respecting an establishment of religion"? Certainly they are laws "prohibiting the free exercise thereof".

As any of even the simplest and least educated student of history will tell you, the First Amendment was intended to prevent a state-controlled church as existed in England. Many of the first settlers of America were escapees from the religious persecution of a state-controlled and state-ordered church. Those who did not belong to the Church of England and who preached or in other ways held "religious services" were imprisoned. Some were left to starve to death in British dungeons, adding fresh names to the long list of those martyred for the True Faith. It was from this persecution that the first Americans fled; and it was against the possibility of the government creating a state-controlled church in America that the Founding Fathers added the First Amendment to their Constitution. They wanted to ensure that in no way would their government ever interfere with true Christianity.

How ironic, then, that today the judiciary branch of the United States government continually interferes with Christianity and enforces court-developed laws against its practice. They do so under the guise that the First Amendment prohibits the presence of the Church in the State. But it does not: not at all. The wording of the First Amendment is clear to all but an idiot— the Founding Fathers were not at all concerned about the Church interfering with the State: they were greatly concerned about the State interfering with the Church.

Thus the entire case-law basis for modern day court decisions regarding religion is grounded on a gross distortion of the plain wording of the First Amendment, a distortion that has lead to the false argument of separation of Church and State.

If such a separation had been their intention, then the Founding Fathers would not have introduced prayer into their proceedings, made use of religious symbols and references, nor regularly invoked God in their governmental activities. No, their intention was to prevent the State from messing with the Church. They had no difficulty with the Church being present in the State.

It's about time that somebody stood up and took back the First Amendment!

Unfortunately, I fear the Church is far too weak now to do that. The mass of American society while perhaps nominally Christian has no spiritual understanding or desire to do that. Tolerance --an ungodly concept-- rules the collective minds of the people.
First thought, covenants and contracts made by fallen humanity with each other are always broken. If the people who wrote the agreements don't break them, and especially in the case of governments, eventually somebody will. America has a long and sordid history of broken treaties and broken promises (think deregulation etc)

Second thought, Christians did fight to keep things like the Ten Commandments where we wanted it displayed. Corrupt courts defeated efforts again and again.

Yes, the church is greatly weakened. I remember in the 1980's, when the church was fighting the early emergence of the Alphabet Mafia (LGBT...ETC), there wer bumper stickers that declared "The Moral Majority Is Neither". There was no defense against that accusation in the light of very high profile famous Christians who were caught in various scandals. The Bikers in those days had a saying "When we do right no one remembers, when we do wrong no one forgets". That applied to the reputation of Christianity at large. Furthermore, the vast sea of false teaching and assorted wackos claiming to be Christians when their behavior says something else completely has done severe damage to Christianity in general and Jesus Christ in particular. James 1:22 warns "Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says." But then far too many people spend a lot of time talking about the Bible and little or no time reading it...