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We're Looking at The Beginning of The End


This video was shown on Tom Hughes Prophecy Update today and begins with Tom and Jan Markell discussing the Rapture of the church. Then a discussion with Jan and Jeff Kinley and Tom Hampson about Israel standing alone, the world is Leaderless and the acceleration of the last days since 2020 Pandemic and how they believe that what will turn the world into chaos will be the Rapture and Mr Fixit as Jan calls AC will appear and fix the world and the world will be in what they believe will be Peace and Safety.
Good discussion.

57:06 minutes

Today in Prophecy 08-19-24
This video was shown on Tom Hughes Prophecy Update today and begins with Tom and Jan Markell discussing the Rapture of the church. Then a discussion with Jan and Jeff Kinley and Tom Hampson about Israel standing alone, the world is Leaderless and the acceleration of the last days since 2020 Pandemic and how they believe that what will turn the world into chaos will be the Rapture and Mr Fixit as Jan calls AC will appear and fix the world and the world will be in what they believe will be Peace and Safety.
Good discussion.

57:06 minutes

Today in Prophecy 08-19-24
The link you posted is only 15 minutes long and only has Tom Hughes speaking. :noidea:
I think this is what you meant to post.
Tom must have only kept the part with him and Jan and edited the rest.

The video was taken down from YouTube for "violation". I found the rest with Jan and Jeff Kinley and Tom Hampton on Rumble.

Oh YouTube put the video back up. I guess that's the one you found.
Tom must have only kept the part with him and Jan and edited the rest.

The video was taken down from YouTube for "violation". I found the rest with Jan and Jeff Kinley and Tom Hampton on Rumble.

Oh YouTube put the video back up. I guess that's the one you found.
The link I found on Youtube works and I watched the whole video. When I got to the part where they showed a clip of some singer saying the Rapture was not true, I almost stopped watching it. I am glad I didn't as they explained why that guy was wrong. I thought the video was very good. (y)

Here again is the Youtube link

I wrote this before I saw you say that Youtube must have put the video back up. (:
Watched the video and wow it was really good. That brother of ours - the country singer who thinks he is a theologian - was super annoying though. I can’t believe how he sowed the gospel and sowed doubt at the same time. Way to go.
That said, I agree with all of them that we are too far gone to ever go back to where we were.
So odd that the Kamala/Harris campaign slogan is "We are not going back". Especially since the majority of the country would like to go back more towards the way things used to be. I think they know that too, they just don't care.
I wasn’t aware of this. Wow. It’s like they are throwing it in all of our faces. 😕