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WEF Speaker Calls for “Ecocide” Laws Against Fishing and Farming


Unto Thee I lift my eyes. Ps. 123
Staff member
A speaker at the World Economic Forum (WEF) conference in Davos, Switzerland this week called for “ecocide” laws that would punish crimes against nature in the same way genocide is prosecuted.

Jojo Mehta, the co-founder and CEO of Stop Ecocide International, casually compared the side effects of “farming,” “fishing,” and energy production to mass murder and torture. Her organization is currently working with diplomats, politicians, corporations, NGOs, and academics to advocate for the recognition of such acts of “ecocide” as serious crimes.

By introducing legislation against ecocide, the international criminal courts as well as national governments could go after energy companies, agriculture, and others deemed to be offenders
and prosecute them for future disasters that will allegedly occur according to scientists’ predictions.

Where does he think the food in the grocery store comes from?
And wouldn't harvesting insects mean more deaths per ounce or pound of food?
Aren't they all about reducing or eliminating death?
How many grasshoppers does it take to equal one cow (weight-wise)?

If one 1400 pound cow produces 800 pounds of meat, and the average grasshopper weighs 0.01 oz
1 pound = 16 ounces
1 ounce of average grasshoppers = 100 grasshoppers
16 ounces (1 pound) of average grasshoppers = 1600 grasshoppers
800 pounds x 1600 average grasshoppers = 1,280,000

That's a lot of grasshopper lives compared to one cow :ban:
Seriously mass insecticide :eek:

Maybe someone needs to start a "Save the Grasshoppers" organization