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'We have capabilities to use doomsday weapons,' says expert concerning regional war

Yair Katz, Chairman of the Israel Aerospace Industries Workers' Council, revealed at an event in the city of Yehud-Monosson on Saturday that Israel has a weapon that could combat Iran, Maariv reported.

"If we understand that there is an existential danger here, and that Iran, Yemen, Syria, Iraq and all the countries of the Middle East decide that it is time to settle against us, I understand that we have the capabilities to use doomsday weapons," he said.

Katz also emphasized that "the Americans, the British, and the Germans help us in with intelligence; they inform us where there are moves that may endanger us."

Regarding the Iranian attack, he said that "our engineers and workers prepared for this scenario for several weeks, on the same Saturday when we were informed that Iran had launched an attack, a large part of our workers simply went to sleep and the greatest achievement of the aerospace industry is that we all got up for a normal morning.


Sounds like he's hinting about the Samson Option. Israel has some weapons- nukes and others which if they launch it will hurt them too to a degree but they will launch them if they are desperate and about to be over run.

Damascus - the passage in Isaiah sounds like northern Israel takes a hit.

And when you consider that much of the north is evacuated and remains so from October, perhaps Damascus destruction won't kill as many in the north if it happened now as might happen if everyone was at their home and business.


And Elam too as Spartan points out.