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WATCH LIVE: Biden makes first public appearance since forced exit from presidential race

President Biden is making his first public appearance since suspending his re-election campaign as he heads back to Washington, D.C.

Biden will board Air Force One to embark on the trip back to the White House after testing negative for COVID-19 on Tuesday.

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Joe Biden Resurfaces After Five Days in Hiding, Says He's 'Well'

President Joe Biden, following a bout of COVID-19 and days of uncertainty during which he announced he was quitting his 2024 re-election campaign, was finally spotted again in public on Tuesday afternoon as he made his way back from Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, to the White House. It was the first time the president had been seen by the public in five full days after last being seen deplaning Air Force One last Wednesday evening.
The president could be seen slowly climbing out of a Secret Service SUV onto the apron at Dover Air Force Base before shuffling across the distance to the foot of the airstairs he used to board Air Force One.

In response to shouted questions about how he was feeling, it appeared that Biden responded "Well" and flashed a thumbs-up. The president did not respond to subsequent shouted questions about how he felt about bailing on his re-election campaign and whether he believed Vice President-turned-presumptive nominee Kamala Harris could beat former President Donald Trump in November.

Notably, Biden was carrying a blue face mask in one hand despite the White House physician releasing an update on the president's health earlier in the day stating the commander-in-chief's "symptoms have resolved" and he had tested "negative" for COVID.

President Biden is making his first public appearance since suspending his re-election campaign as he heads back to Washington, D.C.

Biden will board Air Force One to embark on the trip back to the White House after testing negative for COVID-19 on Tuesday.

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Isn't he supposed to have two negative tests 24 hours apart?
I have a question. How can this liar look at us straight in the eye, and tell us that “border crossings are lower than when the previous administration left office.” How can he say that, when Trump showed us the chart that he did, with the HUGE SPIKE in border crossings???
Someone please explain, and not “he is lying.” How are they jacking the numbers around? And who is doing this? I find this incredulous.
I have a question. How can this liar look at us straight in the eye, and tell us that “border crossings are lower than when the previous administration left office.” How can he say that, when Trump showed us the chart that he did, with the HUGE SPIKE in border crossings???
Someone please explain, and not “he is lying.” How are they jacking the numbers around? And who is doing this? I find this incredulous.
Seared conscience. Lying has become such a part of him that he can't tell the difference between truth and a lie. I may be wrong but I think unbelievers have consciences too, and the more they over ride their conscience, the more seared it gets.

How can he claim we're not at war with anyone when Soldiers are coming home in body bags and medevacs? :tap: :ban:
Because lying is such a way of life with him and now in advancing years I don't know if he gets confused and believes his own lies or he is lying on cue to create confusion so that people don't know what to believe.

Once upon a time when the media actually held politicians to account and called out lies on both sides of the aisle, he would have had to behave better. But the father of lies has many servants these days and lies abound while the truth is more precious and rare than gold or gems.
Every fact checking site I try is saying that Trump’s claims are inaccurate. Apparently they all lean left. Also lots of confusion because they are basing things on “apprehensions at the border”. Well of course Trump had more apprehensions because he was actually apprehending them!!! Not helping them and even flying them in like Biden.
This is simply a foretaste of what is to come when the Antichrist appears. God speaks of this in 2nd Thessalonians 2:9-12. In the first two verses we are told that what is to come is because the people rejected the truth that would have saved them. Therefore, as it says in verses 11 and 12, "God will send them a powerful delusion so that they believe the lie, in order that judgment may come upon all who have disbelieved the truth and delighted in wickedness." Even though the lawless one has not yet been revealed, the delusion is already spreading. People are accepting lies and rejecting the truth, even when doing so will clearly hurt them. This is not a normal deception; it is a supernatural one. There's a full description of the character of unsaved human beings in the last days in 2nd Timothy 3:1-5.