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WATCH: IDF uses Iron Sting precision mortars for first time against Hamas


The precision "Iron Sting" mortar entered operational use for the first time as the IDF's Maglan unit used the innovative weapon to target Hamas's rocket launchers in the Gaza Strip, the IDF Spokesperson's Unit revealed Sunday.

The Iron Sting was developed by Elbit Systems and first revealed by the Defense Ministry, IDF Ground Forces, and Elbit in 2021. The mortar is designed for use in both open terrain and urban environments, while using its precise targeting to reduce the possibility of non-combatants being injured.

The weapon consists of a 120 mm mortar that uses GPS and laser guidance to precisely hit targets. It has a range of 1-12 km. and can penetrate double-reinforced concrete.


The precision "Iron Sting" mortar entered operational use for the first time as the IDF's Maglan unit used the innovative weapon to target Hamas's rocket launchers in the Gaza Strip, the IDF Spokesperson's Unit revealed Sunday.

The Iron Sting was developed by Elbit Systems and first revealed by the Defense Ministry, IDF Ground Forces, and Elbit in 2021. The mortar is designed for use in both open terrain and urban environments, while using its precise targeting to reduce the possibility of non-combatants being injured.

The weapon consists of a 120 mm mortar that uses GPS and laser guidance to precisely hit targets. It has a range of 1-12 km. and can penetrate double-reinforced concrete.


Would hate to carry the tube or base plate any real distance :eek:

Although, with God, all things are possible :lol:

(looks like a vehicle-mounted system, at least two versions; not a lot of freely available info online; in comparison, Vietnam-era 81mm mortar base plate was just shy of 30 pounds and the tube was about 36 pounds, and the 60mm mortar of that era pieces were about half the weights of the 81mm)