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Was Assassinating Trump Deep State "Plan C"?

By Alex Newman

Longtime Donald Trump advisor and confidante Roger Stone warned that the globalist establishment would do everything in its power to stop the president from draining the swamp, even if it means taking him out John F. Kennedy style. With the “mainstream” media’s credibility gone, and the Deep State feeling threatened in an unprecedented way, the “globalist cabal” is desperate and willing to do anything necessary to get rid of Trump, who is shown here with Stone. But it is not over yet.

The Deep State’s “Plan A,” Stone said, is the imploding “investigation” into alleged “Russian collusion” by Special Counsel Robert Mueller. If and when that fails, which Stone suggested was likely, the establishment would move to “Plan B.” In essence, that plot would involve trying to get a majority of Trump’s cabinet to declare him unfit for office. This would allow Trump to be removed under the U.S. Constitution’s 25th Amendment — another scheme Stone said would probably flop. Last but not least, though, if all else fails, Stone warned of “Plan C”: Killing the president.

In a wide-ranging interview with The New American magazine at his Florida studio, Stone offered insight into Trump — and into his enemies and their tactics. “It’s easy to forget that the shocking upset that Donald Trump pulled off has never been forgotten or acknowledged by the globalist cabal that has really infected both of our major parties,” he explained. “I say that as someone who is a sentimental Republican, but a Republican in the mold of Barry Goldwater who wanted government out of the bedroom, out of the boardroom, that believed in peace through strength, not, you know, neocons cruising the globe looking for expensive wars to profiteer in and stick our nose in.”

“So I reached the conclusion, with the nomination of Mitt Romney — Council on Foreign Relations and a certified globalist in the Bush tradition — that the old Republican Party was dead,” Stone said. Donald Trump’s election, he continued, represented the “hostile takeover of the old Republican Party, which we now hope to remake in his image as a party that stands for economic nationalism, that stands for putting American interests ahead of globalist interests, and re-affirms our sovereign rights as Americans.”

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Andrea and I, as things have progressed over the past couple of years or so, have watched as one effort after another against President Trump has failed and we have both said to each other that if these efforts fail, there's only one thing left that will stop him from becoming the next president-- and that's if he's dead. So Saturday was almost the realization of what we have been fearing and expecting to happen.