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Wars And Rumors Of Wars: The World Is Falling Apart — Get Up And Give The Gospel


Right now, China, Taiwan, North Korea, Japan, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Jordan, Israel, Lebanon, the United States, the United Kingdom, and Sweden, among other nations, are all posturing for war or are at war. What’s going on?

Jesus said in the last days, there’s going to be a time of “wars and rumors of Wars” (Matthew 24:6). Now, there have always been wars and rumors of wars, but in the Olivet discourse in Matthew chapter 24, he’s talking about an escalation and frequency of these things. While all these other things are taking place, there’s going to be a coalescing of end-time events.

What should the believer do? I know the temptation, I have it just like you, to pull the sheets over our head, turn off the news, and simply not go outside. We can’t live like that. First of all, that would be fear, and we’re not allowed to live in “a spirit of fear” (2 Timothy 1:7).

Secondly, we have got to engage those that are around us with the Gospel, that “God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son” as a gift to die on the cross for our sins and to be resurrected from the dead for your justification. Tell your neighbors. Tell your friends. Tell your family.

You and I are commanded by God to be Salt and Light until the end. That means we are to be involved in everything for the cause of Christ. No matter what it is. If you are in the law enforcement field, a chef at a restaurant, on the football field, or in the office at home, be there for Jesus.

These are the last days. All these things that we’re seeing right now should cause us to be motivated.


Right now, China, Taiwan, North Korea, Japan, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Jordan, Israel, Lebanon, the United States, the United Kingdom, and Sweden, among other nations, are all posturing for war or are at war. What’s going on?

Jesus said in the last days, there’s going to be a time of “wars and rumors of Wars” (Matthew 24:6). Now, there have always been wars and rumors of wars, but in the Olivet discourse in Matthew chapter 24, he’s talking about an escalation and frequency of these things. While all these other things are taking place, there’s going to be a coalescing of end-time events.

What should the believer do? I know the temptation, I have it just like you, to pull the sheets over our head, turn off the news, and simply not go outside. We can’t live like that. First of all, that would be fear, and we’re not allowed to live in “a spirit of fear” (2 Timothy 1:7).

Secondly, we have got to engage those that are around us with the Gospel, that “God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son” as a gift to die on the cross for our sins and to be resurrected from the dead for your justification. Tell your neighbors. Tell your friends. Tell your family.

You and I are commanded by God to be Salt and Light until the end. That means we are to be involved in everything for the cause of Christ. No matter what it is. If you are in the law enforcement field, a chef at a restaurant, on the football field, or in the office at home, be there for Jesus.

These are the last days. All these things that we’re seeing right now should cause us to be motivated.


Each time they speak of war on the news, my mind keeps echoing rumors and wars.

Britt Gillette stated that one of the things keeping America as a superpower is the the world's trust in their military and to protect the global trading routes via the red sea..

Shipping trqffic has decreased 73 per cent due to country's no longer trusting in the US to protext them anymore, adding to this England has now announces that they are officially in a recession.

Things are picking up fast folks !!!!
This world is predicted to get worse and worse, but not for Christians because in the words of Jan Markell it's not that everything is falling apart, but that the pieces are coming together. Christians have forever to live in our eternal home with Jesus that is our Blessed Hope. What Jan means is that things are happening according to Gods plans, and the best is yet to come for believers. One day we are going home. :rapture: