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Wars And Rumors Of Wars: The Exhortations We Often Overlook

By Steve Miller

Ever since Russia invaded Ukraine, many Christians have wondered: Is this one of the signs that we are about to enter the end times? Does this war have anything to do with Jesus’ warning in Matthew 24:6 about “wars and rumors of wars”?
Among reputable and trusted Bible prophecy experts, there are some who say yes, “wars and rumors of wars” can apply to conflicts happening in our day. Other prophecy scholars, however, believe that the signs Jesus described in Matthew 24 apply only to the seven-year tribulation period, after the church has been raptured from earth to heaven.
I’ll say up front that my purpose in this article is not to start a debate between the two views. As you’ll see later, I want to call attention to some very important—and easily overlooked—words Jesus said after He spoke about “wars and rumors of wars.”

Let’s start by becoming familiar with what prophecy teachers say about the first half of the verse, or “wars and rumors of wars.” Then we’ll focus on the second half, which is equally deserving of attention.


I did not read the whole article, but just wanted to make a comment.

It really doesn't matter which time period that Jesus was referring to in Matthew 24. Either way we know the Rapture will happen before the Tribulation, and we watch for when the Tribulation begins. So we need to pay attention as to when the Tribulation begins. Some say the Rapture is close at hand and we need to prepare for it. No, if we are saved there is nothing for us to prepare for. Now during the Tribulation Jesus tell those there are things they must do. So while it could be that Matthew 24 is only referring to the Tribulation, it helps us know the season we are in so we have hope in this dying world.

My two cents...

God bless! 🙏
My favorite part:
"Wars will take place, and from an eternal perspective, we have no reason to fear them. They will not disrupt God’s plans. What He has ordained to happen will happen. The first time Jesus came to earth, He fulfilled His mission: to seek and save the lost. And the second time Jesus comes, He will fulfill His mission once again: to take back possession of the earth and set up His kingdom.

Under Satan’s watch, wars have torn our world apart. But under Christ’s watch, peace will prevail—forever. We can be certain of that, for He is the Prince of Peace."
By Steve Miller

Ever since Russia invaded Ukraine, many Christians have wondered: Is this one of the signs that we are about to enter the end times? Does this war have anything to do with Jesus’ warning in Matthew 24:6 about “wars and rumors of wars”?
Among reputable and trusted Bible prophecy experts, there are some who say yes, “wars and rumors of wars” can apply to conflicts happening in our day. Other prophecy scholars, however, believe that the signs Jesus described in Matthew 24 apply only to the seven-year tribulation period, after the church has been raptured from earth to heaven.
I’ll say up front that my purpose in this article is not to start a debate between the two views. As you’ll see later, I want to call attention to some very important—and easily overlooked—words Jesus said after He spoke about “wars and rumors of wars.”

Let’s start by becoming familiar with what prophecy teachers say about the first half of the verse, or “wars and rumors of wars.” Then we’ll focus on the second half, which is equally deserving of attention.


Excellent article! Worth reading to the very end.
Speaking of rumors of wars, it's interesting that Putin is again rebuilding his troops again and that Europe is now thinking that we actually got to get an army together because the Us can't be trusted.

I'm not sure whether it was on another thread on this forum or another site but apparently Russian troops are near the Northern Israeli border?