Woke is the only way these subversive, socialist marxist, creampuff, do-gooder, leftist, PC morons want to go.....but $ is still the most important thing to most (not all) corporations. The movement will be back if it isn't thoroughly crushed or if the world dislodges from the restrainer and opens the 7 year trib.
We could look at this perhaps in a few ways. Yes. For example, national culture changes and has ebbs and flows. Reagan won against encroaching liberal tension. Later the left were shocked that Trump could have actually won in 2016. There are ups and downs.
What is of particular interest to me is timing here. A grand shift afloat. Back in the days of coming out of COVID, watcher awake evangelicalism leaned into an unprecedented global reveal. The grand scale at which globalism had a grip. The ability to shut down global commerce. The manipulation of public health language and concepts. The obvious role of the "fact checker." Game theory at its finest.
What came with that in the watcher community was excitement in finally seeing far more plainly a grand hand of the evil one. We could finally see it more clearly above the clouds now. And with it, also came all the decadence of transvestite library story hour for kids. Crossdressing for pastors. Calling the bible hate speech in Europe. Churches shut down in Canada and America. Children being granted sex change by governments against their parents wills. Congress, Senate, and the political arena clearly all out for itself. Huge amounts of money sent over seas without accountability, making super fat cats of politicians raiding the American Treasury. The epitome of lovers of self.
We saw the fall of Josh Harris (Kissing Dating Goodbye). We saw Voddie Baucham partnering with Glenn Beck. We see Allistar Begg encourage gay wedding attendance (and using the word of God to defend his pastorate similar to the yuppie generation using their jobs for power). We saw the fall of Steve Lawson, drop out of elite proper doctrine circuit, leave a gaping hole of absent accountability (and a reformed leadership feign adult supervision over the event...tucking the boisterous denomination into bed with cookies and milk). Not to mention by the way that America must be consumed by globalism because in Ez 38, America is in no shape to have a voice or do much about it, we say.
What we seem to be saying about such a generation as ours is that there is no coming back from this. Some would say there is no return to normal. Some would say the government is not going to change anything when America has gone this far into reprobation. 'Folks, there is no coming back from this," we would hear from the sound church. We might be able to put all that perhaps in the time capsule of "that's all folk." Looney Tune exit.
These are fair game concerns in a generation sincerely interested to recognize the obvious. That what we know of scripture, end times, and Revelation is that it does not get better. It gets a whole lot worse. So the better we are at acknowledging this, the more we can maturely not fall for Band-Aids for pitching up the sinking Titanic. And it would seem that we had no conscience if these concerns did not rise to surface. Could we imagine a church that would journey this path and say, nothing? lol. Praise God that we desire to be as awake as possible. Amen.
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This may be an odd place to do this, but it does kind of fit this context to a degree. Out of respect for the JDF migration and the appreciation of our gracious forum concerning such, I have become more mindful as to how much of my contrary views best belong in places of JD related posting. And considering doing that rather elsewhere...i guess like here...lol. I think there is a healthy good in contrast. And i want and desire a healthy airing of things related to evangelical watcher trends. Because it does deserve a massive seat at the discussion table. And even though it is understandable that JD has removed himself for the most part from mainstream evangelical watcherdom, there is huge amounts both JD and the general watcher community share in common. Both where i would differ. But I favor views from both sides of the watcher isle (the side more mainstream, and the side not so mainstream). Because we don't know what we don't know. And although info overload serves no good, it is helpful to have a good faith understanding of the mix. Best we can.
In the Spirit of Thanksgiving, i am grateful for a forum in which to share watcher times, as well as being able to have open discussions. This forum truly is a treasure to me. And i am very thankful. So I ask to please consider that what is said here to be taken as mere observations. Because it will have its own weight of controversy. And by sharing such thoughts i would like to enter a disclaimer:
I believe that my ideas are just my ideas. They may or may NOT be accurate. I think it is helpful to explore concepts in order to uncover perhaps other things not even related that might look differently in so doing. Or may lead to other perspectives that put initial ones better to shame. And with this, just sharing from the diary of sorts. The Thanksgiving journal, as it were. Please take this in the context of theory. Thank you.
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As it has been no mystery (but some may not be aware), I am somewhat of a hybrid it would seem to some. Because it would appear on the surface that I might hold views like Christian Nationalism, or maybe even the portion of my dear reformed brothers and sisters who hold to a somewhat preterist and amillennial eschatology. But to be restated, no. I am neither. I am pretrib, 7-year tribulation, futurist. Seeing Israel having a definably unique role in their 70th week, while the church has been raptured. In addition, i was never into New Age. Nor do i support New Age Christian ideology. But with my perspective i bring somewhat of a quagmire. To me it is a simple distinction in radical ages difference. I am of the school of thought that the age of grace (and its closure) and the tribulation age (although having some obvious measure of overlap) are hugely very different ages. And in that view would the two ages extremely different be their meaning upon biblical revelation.
I believe the ending of the age of grace has its unique characteristic in demonstrating the character of God "more" than it be a tell for the tribulation. Obviously, the above mentioned events clearly spell out in no uncertain terms that a tribulation age is looming. No doubt. But being that we are in the age of grace still, I would see the quality of our day and age to have its own rubric under the care of our Creator. And uniquely so. Using that as a paradigm, means that things that belong to the age of grace belong to that age. And things that belong to the tribulation belong to that age. And those things that belong to each uniquely do not belong to each other. I do not hold to a laps theory. Although i would not rule one out, I would be more inclined not to see one. Because i believe the creation of one seems to be formed out of curious need for certain things interpreted in certain ways to have runway. Whereas, i would not see the need for such. As i would see a quality belonging to the tribulation age to be on par with God's patience, in unique ways no longer held in check by age of grace considerations that would have Him so. And things moving so much faster in the tribulation age than we likely might entertain today, in general. I admit this view may be flawed. But primarily, this is where i am coming from. I don't believe there will be success in any measure of Christian Nationalism. But i do see something else potential.
Ok, so the tendency i believe today will in some ways likely be this or that isn't gonna happen because of XYZ. We can use that sentence in any number of ways we might look at things. But although my view as some what been strongarmed by other pseudo Christian factions, I don't really let that spook me out of what things might mean anyway. One last caveat if you will. Personally, I don't believe Trump is a believer. And although there are some good picks in his cabinet, it could be argued that Trump might be like the last time. Kind of in midflight. Although this is totally possible, I believe strongly that won't be the case. But it is possible of course.
There is something i have come to notice. Something rather curious to consider. But first, i realize there is a tension today of government hopes vs. real world Christian awareness. I am very aware of this tension. And i do my very best to consider the depth of each in our day and times. And although some might characterize our day as hope in man verses God, I would not be one to characterize things this way. What leads me to consider what follows here is three main things:
- Trump affirmed Jerusalem & Golan Heights (on Perim)
- Israel's unprecedented rise against terror
- Saudi readiness to normalize
If these three elements were not actively before us, I would chalk up any consideration of the following to be folklore. A children's book. When i see Trump, what i see is Jerusalem and Golan Heights (without which there could be no Ez 38). So my view of Trump is really predicated on Israel. A tendency today would be to separate Trump from that and make it somewhat about MAGA or the tendency of culture to make too much of man. That would be true if the bulleted were not so. To only see or mainly see man vs trust in God as a Trump issue, to me, honestly is to emasculate the obvious. But that is just me. Thanks for letting me say that. THE richest man in the world might stand for something significant. And that would make sense that he might. In a day and age when lovers of self is quickly becoming a cultural norm, being the richest man in the world in that condition would seem somewhat like a modern day Nebuchadnezzar. Granted.
But, as we are in the age of grace, I kind of see in general God's character overshadowing for His purpose. For example i believe Israel will likely soon become more powerful and at peace. In that combination, it would be by God's grace, even though we know it likely leads to Ez 38 then. As human frailty may have it, we might tend to see out of that "yeah but Ez 38." And perhaps not too much more. But for purpose, God might consider a blessing upon Israel (however temporary) as much important as we might, "yeah yeah yeah...but what's after." And if true, why? And what?
The most obvious thing that comes to my mind is God's desire for Israel to repent. His desire for them to recognize Him as the promise maker to them in the Old Testament about their thousand year reign with Him. When considering the dazzling tribulation shinny objects, they can tend to get quite a bit of stage presents in our modern day theater. But how excited is God about the tribulation in respect to what it ultimately means? A time for Israel to finally turn and be His beacon to the world for Him. As we would for our children, we would be far more looking at the times it could be great for them more than our 'just can't waitness" for them to go to boarding school. If we were more excited about boarding school for them than the good it would establish for them and the family, we'd probably have concerns about that parent. So its in that really dumbed down way, I would be considering just what it is we are possibly looking at.
So i want to leave a thought. Thinking about what it would mean if so. Thinking about it in the context of God's focus on the gospel and also Israel and also an age that is not exactly closed just yet. What if the world's richest man were Q? Interested in buying more media? If that succeeds would that make NAR correct? I doubt that. Israel being here for 70+ years is a greater hermeneutic than MAGA. Certainly more than some 7 mountain mandate. What if the real outcome of a such a thing is empowering Israel while our focus is on everything else it can't be? Elon has made overtures that he might be Q. And likes X, maybe because its louder? More...distracting? There is no condition I would deem our direction to be owned by NAR. There is no direction we are going that won't be biblical. The ramifications are starling.
Because if we are refined in the ways of why something can't be this or that because of this, that or the other thing...is the possibility of being off as much as what we see, obviously off not also as perhaps a commentary on us also? Maybe like a Romans one kind of dialectic? And if so, just saying, if so...it would just seem kind of exciting actually to be in the wrong there for that equation. Because ultimately, if true, at the end of that day, it kind of could infer that our view perhaps being somewhat off is as much a blessing as it might be understood to us, if true, somewhat detrimental to be those holding such views. For us we might be thinking in terms of the church's view points having measures of sense. And by that, have a sense of our place in the world. Unless, that sense, be possibly better seen as understanding its not about our place in the world. For good measure more than for spite. Rather, because the show is coming to close. And our weigh-ins not so needed?
I imagine that to be a difficult filter of take away. But in some poetic sense, it could say that. A rather creative literary device for sure. But just saying. Blessings. And Happy Thanksgiving.