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Walking the Straight and Narrow :: By Holly Spate

Andy C

In this hectic world we find ourselves in, it is so easy to quickly become distracted. There are so many things in this life that take up our valuable time… so many things that compete for our undivided attention… so many things that continually tug at us.

If not careful, we can find ourselves knee-deep in the minutia of immersing ourselves in a plethora of things that simply don’t matter… things of no true significance, no real value. We can all too easily find ourselves tied to things that will never make any meaningful impact. We can find ourselves busy but making little if any significant progress.

It has been said we each have been given the daily gift of 24 hours. The question is, “How will every minute, every second of that gift be spent?”

Will the seconds be spent wisely or foolishly? Will one make the utmost of every minute or squander the minutes away? Will wisdom and obedience to God’s commands and choosing to die daily to self and selfish desires be what guides believers’ decisions and the use of our time, or will the carnal, self-centered flesh take over and decide how each day will be spent?

Make no mistake… everyone, believers and non-believers alike, will be held accountable for how they used that precious gift of time, as well as what they did with the many blessings and opportunities they were given here on Earth.

Excellent exhortation! Thanks for posting, Andy.

From the article: "Persistent quality time with the Father equips and provides us with all we need. It’s clear that setting aside time each day to put Christ first and focus on a beautiful relationship with Him has a domino effect of positivity in our life." Amen!
One thing I have been working toward (and I speak as per intent...for this is something to build up to as there are days none of this happens. But I have been extremely hungry for the word. Divided on reading length or deep research. I settled for "milk" in the 1 Peter 2:2 way and not in the Hbrews 5:12 way. As I believe along the way I will just fall in research rabbit hole mode on average. So the important things is liquifyied spiritual protein. Bulk read with focus attention and intent to be open to what He is saying while reading (not to read with a timer on). The reason is I had notice that when I saturate in any length of time in His word, its like the eyes of my heart and mind are opened. Like I can "see" from my spirit like I don't normally. So if I just OverDose on huge chucks (like swollowing an elephant in one bite) I imagine I should become a superhero sometime by year end :)

All joking aside though...I am shooting for books like Romans, Hebrews, 1 Cor, 2 Cor, Acts, Rev, the gospels each to be ready in one shot. Like the whole individual book in one sitting. I've been able to do that sometimes. Others I have to break it up into 2 or three reads. Sometimes i miss a day. But its like popeye spinach in the pipe when I do. I am not using the word as a protein shake. I am counting on the depeenening presence of God to help me walk wiser, with more love, and from a real and gunuine place. So yeah just wanted to weight in and thanks for this post amen...as an encouragement. Next is more regular prayer walks and still time before Him. Please remember me in prayers when the Lord may bring me up. Thanks. Blessings.