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Vladimir Putin turns on Netanyahu as he sees Israel 'as Russia's enemy'

I follow (YouTube) an expat Russian who left Russia just after Putin invaded Ukraine. He's been horrified (and reporting on) some terrifying AntiSemitic attacks. He covered the Dagestan Airport incident, and followed up with a picture of a notice posted in a public place in another city in Russia this time that literally said that Jews couldn't enter. He was devastated. Kept asking how did it go so bad so fast?

He's got his finger on the pulse of things in Russia, a friendly sort and he keeps in touch with family and friends who tell him stuff. He's usually right and he is one of 2 that I trust for Russian news. The other is Rebekah Koffler who used to work for the CIA till they got tired of her warning them about Russia (under Obama, go figure).

In this case he is reporting on stuff that as he said, was straight from the history books in Nazi Germany. He's also been following the local Russian news that shows Putin STRONGLY in favour of Hamas and the other Muslim allies of Iran.

This was coming since the beginning of the invasion of Ukraine when Israel criticized him very mildly. He didn't take it well and promptly removed the Israelis who were in Russia helping Jews make Aliyah to Israel. I forget their organization name. It was official, with the blessing of Israel's govt and Russia too, till the invasion put an end to it. They were sent back to Israel and any Jews wanting out have very few options left now.

The end result is very like the 30's in Germany when the doors began to close for the Jews to escape the coming Nazi Holocaust.

People who want to leave are finding it very hard to do so, especially men of army age (anything that can stand up holding a rifle). But Jews are being increasingly persecuted in Russia.