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Vladimir Putin Offers Russia As Safe Haven From Western Liberalism

When one thinks of an online troll baiting critics and throwing red meat to supporters, Russian President Vladimir Putin most likely is not the first name that pops up. This is unfortunate, as when he chooses to do so, Putin can tweak noses and strike poses with the best of them. A case in point is this announcement, as dutifully printed on August 19, 2024, by the official Russian propaganda … er, news agency TASS.

When one thinks of an online troll baiting critics and throwing red meat to supporters, Russian President Vladimir Putin most likely is not the first name that pops up. This is unfortunate, as when he chooses to do so, Putin can tweak noses and strike poses with the best of them. A case in point is this announcement, as dutifully printed on August 19, 2024, by the official Russian propaganda … er, news agency TASS.

Russia offers safe haven for people trying to escape Western liberal ideals​

Under the document, such foreign nationals will have the right to apply for temporary residence in Russia "outside the quota approved by the Russian government and without providing documents confirming their knowledge of the Russian language, Russian history and basic laws"​

MOSCOW, August 19. /TASS/. Moscow will provide assistance to any foreigners who want to escape the neoliberal ideals being put forward in their countries and move to Russia, where traditional values reign supreme, according to a decree signed by President Vladimir Putin.

Under the document, such foreign nationals will have the right to apply for temporary residence in Russia "outside the quota approved by the Russian government and without providing documents confirming their knowledge of the Russian language, Russian history and basic laws."

Applications may be based on the rejection of their countries’ policies "aimed at imposing destructive neoliberal ideals on people, which run counter to traditional Russian spiritual and moral values."

The values are listed in the foundations of Russia’s state policy in this field, while the Russian government is expected to compile a list of countries imposing unhealthy attitudes on their citizens. The Foreign Ministry has been instructed to start issuing three-month visas to such applicants as early as in September.

In February, Putin supported the idea of Italian student Irene Cecchini that Russia should ease entry rules for those who share traditional cultural and family values. The head of state agreed that each case requires an individual approach.

One can easily imagine a Russian version of the Statue of Liberty appearing overnight in Red Square, its base bearing an inscription urging visitation by the tired, the poor, and the huddled masses yearning to breathe free from the alphabet mafia and MSNBC.


That lines up with Putin's internal policy which is to point all this stupidity out to the Russian people and say that Russia is the only adult in the room. It helps them sell the war in Ukraine and all the problems with the domestic economy.

It's really quite a good strategy internally, and most of it is meant for internal Russian consumption by the masses. But it does have a certain shoe on the other foot flair when viewed here in the west.

You really have hit the mother lode of crazy news stories today!

News with a comic twist!
That lines up with Putin's internal policy which is to point all this stupidity out to the Russian people and say that Russia is the only adult in the room. It helps them sell the war in Ukraine and all the problems with the domestic economy.

It's really quite a good strategy internally, and most of it is meant for internal Russian consumption by the masses. But it does have a certain shoe on the other foot flair when viewed here in the west.

You really have hit the mother lode of crazy news stories today!

News with a comic twist!
He sure sounds a lot like Hitler did when he was spewing his propaganda to the Germans making it sound soooo good when in fact he had evil in his mind
He sure sounds a lot like Hitler did when he was spewing his propaganda to the Germans making it sound soooo good when in fact he had evil in his mind
He sure does. And for the very same reason, to distract their minds from the economy (which in pre war Germany was pretty bad) and pull them together against a common enemy which for Putin is the West, NATO and especially America.
I am curious what it’s actually like living in Russia as a Baptist. I’m so curious what their experiences are like there without any filtering by the media. I wonder how they are censored and if they can escape for religious freedom.
I don’t know? But I do know the head of my county’s democratic committee vacations there for a couple of weeks every year. I find that sort of suspicious. The guy looks like Bernie Sanders *maisey*
I don’t know? But I do know the head of my county’s democratic committee vacations there for a couple of weeks every year. I find that sort of suspicious. The guy looks like Bernie Sanders *maisey*
They’re actually building a migrant village for Americans and Canadians in Russia. That’s crazy. I never thought I’d see the day. That does show how bad things have gotten here in the US that families are actually considering moving to Russia. Wow.

If Israel did the same, then I would be tempted especially if it got to the point that our family was targeted by CPS for homeschooling or something. That country is gorgeous.
They’re actually building a migrant village for Americans and Canadians in Russia.

For much of the USA's existence, people immigrated here to escape some form of oppression or just hoping for the chance at a better life.

Now that evil has transformed the USA, there really isn't a good place for citizens of the USA to flee to. I wouldn't blame anybody for looking into the possibility of finding a place where their children might be safer.
For much of the USA's existence, people immigrated here to escape some form of oppression or just hoping for the chance at a better life.

Now that evil has transformed the USA, there really isn't a good place for citizens of the USA to flee to. I wouldn't blame anybody for looking into the possibility of finding a place where their children might be safer.
I’ve been wondering for good alternatives but you’re right. Where can Christian families flee to as the US gets worse?
I’ve been wondering for good alternatives but you’re right. Where can Christian families flee to as the US gets worse?
Stand and Fight! Nehemiah didn’t flee! George Washington didn’t flee! Israel isn’t fleeing anymore!

To quote a famous Marine, Chesty Puller:
They're on our left, they're on our right, they're in front of us, they're behind us…they can't get away this time. ” - Chesty Puller
I’ve been wondering for good alternatives but you’re right. Where can Christian families flee to as the US gets worse?
I don't think there are better alternatives than the US.

Normally I'd say c'mon up here and hang out with me but you wouldn't like Trudeau and I don't know if we will get the chance to boot his sorry rear end out before late 2025 which is the next time it's possible. Even then he's the type to "fix" things and if so he could be here a lot longer in spite of the electorate wanting him out. Homeschooling laws are good in BC but can be more restrictive in other provinces, just like America which varies state by state.

Russia is the last place I'd go- their domestic economy has tanked, the state church makes life difficult for Baptists and others that are not Russian Orthodox, Islam is on the rise and may well take over the country soon judging by Putin's Koran kissing episode, Homeschooling wouldn't be tolerated and they are pretty xenophobic towards non Russians. Civil rights are in theory only, on paper. Not backed by the govt or the legal system.

Britain, Australia and New Zealand I consider as worse than Canada for homeschooling, about equal for freedom (not good) except Britain which seems to be a lot worse lately.

The Nordics are a) too close to Russia (invasion hazard) and almost overrun by Muslims, ditto France, Germany, Austria or anything else in Northern Europe. Greece, Spain, Portugal and Italy are not great economically or politically. Switzerland is almost impossible to emigrate to and don't want newcomers.

The former USSR countries have struggles of their own and some like Ukraine are fighting for independence while Russia appears to be closing off escape for others.

Much of South America is similar. Poor and politically unstable with frequent bouts of communist revolutions. Gangs run some of the countries like Mexico, while thugs run places like Cuba and Nicaragua.

The only places I'd be tempted to move to would be the States or Israel but I'd avoid moving even to those places because family is here, roots are here.
I don't think there are better alternatives than the US.

Normally I'd say c'mon up here and hang out with me but you wouldn't like Trudeau and I don't know if we will get the chance to boot his sorry rear end out before late 2025 which is the next time it's possible. Even then he's the type to "fix" things and if so he could be here a lot longer in spite of the electorate wanting him out. Homeschooling laws are good in BC but can be more restrictive in other provinces, just like America which varies state by state.

Russia is the last place I'd go- their domestic economy has tanked, the state church makes life difficult for Baptists and others that are not Russian Orthodox, Islam is on the rise and may well take over the country soon judging by Putin's Koran kissing episode, Homeschooling wouldn't be tolerated and they are pretty xenophobic towards non Russians. Civil rights are in theory only, on paper. Not backed by the govt or the legal system.

Britain, Australia and New Zealand I consider as worse than Canada for homeschooling, about equal for freedom (not good) except Britain which seems to be a lot worse lately.

The Nordics are a) too close to Russia (invasion hazard) and almost overrun by Muslims, ditto France, Germany, Austria or anything else in Northern Europe. Greece, Spain, Portugal and Italy are not great economically or politically. Switzerland is almost impossible to emigrate to and don't want newcomers.

The former USSR countries have struggles of their own and some like Ukraine are fighting for independence while Russia appears to be closing off escape for others.

Much of South America is similar. Poor and politically unstable with frequent bouts of communist revolutions. Gangs run some of the countries like Mexico, while thugs run places like Cuba and Nicaragua.

The only places I'd be tempted to move to would be the States or Israel but I'd avoid moving even to those places because family is here, roots are here.
Your assessment is incredible. I agree, there really is no better alternative. I like how conservative Hungary seems but way too close to Russia for my liking. The language is too difficult and our roots are here in the US.

We’ll see how things go. We may end up going to stay with my mom in the Dominican Republic if we need a reprieve but they are also corrupt and dependent on the US for their economy.
I forgot to add that Canada is busy encouraging the drs to kill off the sick and elderly and anyone else who wants to suicide rather than cost the system more $. That's another aspect to our "free" health care system. If you get tired of the line ups, there's always that. Kind of removes any incentive to do proper treatment of illnesses or even try to treat suicidal ideation in teenagers. (yup them too)