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Veterans Affair Insider Reveals HHS Memo Detailing “Presidential Inauguration Medical Personnel Support Deployment Request”

“This is Not Normal” – LEAKED Memo...."​

The O’Keefe Media Group obtained a leaked memo detailing an unusual “presidential inauguration medical personnel support deployment request” for Trump’s inauguration.

The Department of Veterans Affair insider told James O’Keefe that she has never seen a request like this before..

“This is not normal,” the VA insider told James O’Keefe.

Per O’Keefe Media Group:

“What concerned me was that this has never been requested before, especially not from HHS,” an insider within the Department of Veterans Affairs told O’Keefe Media Group, revealing an internal memorandum requesting medical personnel ahead of the 2025 Presidential Inauguration. The documents, addressed to Dr. Paul D. Kim of the Veterans Health Administration’s Office of Emergency Management, detail a formal appeal for paramedics, emergency nurses, and doctors.

WATCH (Video 6:57 minutes)

Complete Article

Reading the memo, what is being requested under the National Disaster Medical System are two VHA working paramedics, two medical/surgical RNs, and 2 MDs or PAs for a deployment lasting from January 17th to the 21st. The first and fifth days are travel days, the other three are working days.The only requirement other than proper credentials and certifications, availability and commitment to those dates, is they MUST be currently working in an emergency room. The request was made on December 10th.