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US suggests Lebanon-Israel land swap in bid to end border conflicts - Al-Jarida

American officials recently proposed, in a virtual meeting with their Israeli counterparts, a land swap between Lebanon and Israel as part of a comprehensive agreement to end the border conflicts and resolve the land dispute between the two countries, the Kuwaiti newspaper Al-Jarida reported on Sunday.

The report follows Saturday night's rocket attacks, which involved about 50 launches from Lebanon toward Kiryat Shmona and Western Galilee.

According to the report, the Israeli side reiterated its main demand for a complete military withdrawal of Hezbollah to 10 km away from the border, a demand that the organization currently rejects.

On the other hand, two outstanding issues were raised in Washington's proposal for a diplomatic settlement. The first is the "Point B1" issue, the westernmost border point of the "Blue Line," overlooking the Israeli tourist site at Rosh Hanikra.
The proposal for this point involves recognizing it as part of Lebanon, with UN forces deployed there as a neutral party for both sides.


Sure. Give away more land for a peace that won't happen 🙄

"I will also gather all nations, And bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat; And I will enter into judgment with them there On account of My people, My heritage Israel, Whom they have scattered among the nations; They have also divided up My land". Joel 3:2
This brings to mind Bill Koenig's book "Eye for An Eye" where he details every time the US has done things that are against Israel's best interest, it's followed by some kind of disaster hitting the US, with examples like the 9/11 attack and the Katrina hurricane under GW Bush and hurricane Sally hit when Jared Kushner drew up the Abrahamic Accords that included a two state solution.
God's Word stands in truth

“Blessed is he who blesses you,
And cursed is he who curses you.” Numbers 24:9 b