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US military force at 80-year low, Pentagon urges ‘national call to service’


The United States military will have the smallest force in over 80 years as it prepares for the start of 2024. The Pentagon recently informed Congress that the U.S. military faces one of its “greatest challenges” as it navigates the “difficult recruiting environment” that resulted in multiple military branches missing recruitment targets in 2023.

According to the $886 billion National Defense Authorization Bill that was passed by Congress last week and is expected to be signed into law by President Joe Biden, the number of active-duty U.S. troops will drop to 1,284,500 in 2024.

The Daily Mail reported that the number of active-duty troops forecasted for 2024 represents the lowest number of troops since before the United States fought in World War II in 1941.

Ashish Vazirani, the Pengagon’s acting undersecretary for personnel and readiness, recently told the House Armed Services Committee that the military missed its 2023 recruitment goal by 41,000 personnel.


Our volunteer fighting force has proven pretty effective over the decades. It might help if they removed all traces of "woke" from the US military and focused on training our military members for war.
The Wokeness as an incentive for recruitment is a mistake.
We want what used to be called
"A few good men" to defend our nation, not a flurry of feminine men more concerned about their sexual orientation and their "feelings", than their service to the country.

The recruitment Ad video I saw from a couple of years ago is an embarrassment when you compare it to the one used by China having strong looking orderly and efficient soldiers.

Here's the new US Army ad drawing controversy as 'woke' or 'great to see' - you decide

I think if the government were to activate a draft they would get worse push back than the Vietnam era when the slogan was being said H**l No We Won't Go!"

It will be a big resistance to be drafted, but no one can know what oddities this government will come up with anymore.
Once again, as this article states, the Marines continue to meet their goals!

There are a lot of reasons that slow the military enlistments, such as - lazy and woke kids, not willing to pick a hard job, and cant stomach the idea of having someone order you what to do on a daily basis. Plus, the left is mostly anti military, and the military has always been far more to the right.
I dont recall reading about military/civilian leaders doing this???

Yes, I know about the new sick policy, I was referring to you saying leaders parading around the pentagon. Perhaps you were referring to special occasions, and not actual active duty, or DOD senior civilian leaders?