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US Crime Rate Drops to ‘Historic’ Lows With Murders, Rapes, and Robbery Plunging, New Statistics Show

Ghoti Ichthus

Genesis 18:32, 2 Chronicles 7:14, Acts 5:29
Is this really true, or is there a lot of under-reporting and/or misclassification going on?
Is work-from-home helping, especially with the alleged drop in property crime?
Is there political pressure on the FBI, which, in turn, might pressure the various states,which in turn,might pressure reporting entities or jurisdictions? Are jurisdictions forcing LE to not take reports, arrest, or ticket for certain politically incorrect crimes or specific groups of people?
Is the alleged drop because of the increase after George Floyd,and it's really now "normal?"

I used to do my Department's UCR, and I've seen the (attempted) shenanigans. It was always from the jurisdiction and LE brass, and not from the State (Missouri) or FBI. Since I prepared the report and submitted it to the State, ours was accurate and didn't make the jurisdiction look better or worse than it was. Yes, I got pressured, and yelled at when I didn't cave or impugn my integrity [sigh]


US Crime Rate Drops to ‘Historic’ Lows With Murders, Rapes, and Robbery Plunging, New Statistics Show​

By Good News Network
Jun 15, 2024

"The FBI released its latest Uniform Crime Reporting survey last week that revealed a notable positive trend continuing across the US—with violent and property crimes dropping by double digits.
Compared to January through March 2023, data from the first quarter of 2024 indicates that reported violent crime decreased by 15.2 percent."

"The report includes data from more than 18,000 city, county, state, tribal, university and college, and federal law enforcement agencies.
Last year, crime in the U.S. declined across nearly every category, with the FBI tallying one of the lowest rates of violent crime in more than 50 years and one of biggest drops in murder rates seen in history."

Nothing but lies, in my opinion. I do imagine that more and more people aren't reporting crimes because law enforcement in major Metropolitan ares are doing less and less to solve the crimes.

It seems crime reports now are done more for insurance claims or other reasons other than to help solve the crime.
Not true. Something like 2500 police departments stopped reporting this data. It is manipulated by data being absent I read. We are in a phase where we can trust nothing anymore.

This is akin to how the inflation data has been manipulated. More and more necessities removed from the calculation. Also the end of reporting of certain economic indicators like money flow etc.

EDIT: In 2022, 31% of the 18,000 law enforcement agencies across the U.S. failed to report crime data to the FBI's national database after transitioning to a new data collection system, according to the latest statistics from the FBI. See if Police in Your State Reported Crime Data to the FBI
When I was a Sheriff's Deputy decades ago in a decent sized county, when a burglary was reported we'd go to the location, write up a report detailing entry/exit, what was taken, etc. A team would come and dust for prints, take casts of shoe prints, etc.

Nowadays, if you're burgled and call the police, they will likely suggest you file a report yourself online... Nobody is going to come out and gather evidence to use later in convicting the perp after they're caught. Nowadays, I don't think they really even plan to catch the perp.
"Decline in crime" is likely due to less law enforcement responses to calls in some states and districts, under reported crimes because people know there's no accountability, and also due to less prosecution of crimes that some states , like "Commiefornia", has either reduced penalties or have made certain crimes no longer crimes.

CA Proposition 47 called "The Quality of Life" law is going to be in November's ballot to allow voters to decide to change the laws that have given criminals a green light to steal and not face prosecution so long as the value is kept under $950.00.

I don't trust the voting process in CA, cheat all the time.
The organization Judicial Watch has sued CA several times for having illegal voter registration including dead people who have voted.

The Only answer to Justice will come when The Lord comes and takes Dominion over the entire World.
Even so Come Lord Jesus 🙏
When I was a Sheriff's Deputy decades ago in a decent sized county, when a burglary was reported we'd go to the location, write up a report detailing entry/exit, what was taken, etc. A team would come and dust for prints, take casts of shoe prints, etc.

Nowadays, if you're burgled and call the police, they will likely suggest you file a report yourself online... Nobody is going to come out and gather evidence to use later in convicting the perp after they're caught. Nowadays, I don't think they really even plan to catch the perp.

We did it ourselves (both as Deputy and Municipal Officer).
The only exception was murder, and even then, sometimes we did it ourselves. In rural counties, sometimes there is no Crime Scene unit or dedicated Detective, and after a certain time at night, until shortly before I left, no Highway Patrol after a certain time at night. In the 'hood, we didn't always trust the giant County to care enough about the victim(s) to do it right :mad:

These days, I bet they'd come out if a dog bit (and especially if held) a burglar, so they could take photos and a criminal report to facilitate the bad guy suing the victim for said dog bite (and PTSD, scarring, loss of "earnings," fear of dogs, inability to go back to "work," etc. from the bite). And then using the results of the civil suit along with the criminal report to charge the victim :mad:
Hello! I think it's a similar story in this country. 'Reported' or 'recorded' crime is said to have fallen, while the perception on the ground is that crime rates are actually spiraling out of control. I think the answer is that a lot of crime is not recorded as crime by police forces as a matter of policy and people often don't bother to report crimes because nothing seems to be done to investigate them. There was a report on media last year, one police force in the UK no longer record or investigate bicycle thefts, they just don't have the resources.

The bible talks of lawlessness in the last days, another sign of the times I think. God Bless You All :)