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US bars entry to former Israeli soldier who killed wounded terrorist

The US State Department announced it would bar entry to Elor Azariya, a former soldier who shot a wounded terrorist in Hebron in 2016.
Azariya was an IDF medic who shot and killed a wounded terrorist who had stabbed and injured another soldier.
He was charged with manslaughter in 2017 and served 9 months of an 18-month sentence following an appeal.

The US is developing a campaign to sanction right-wing Israeli organizations and as well as settlers in Judea and Samaria.
The State Department announced it was barring entry to Azariya and his immediate family and pursuing sanctions against others for “undermining the peace, security, or stability” in Judea and Samaria.
The statement continued, “Specifically, these visa restrictions are being pursued against those who have used violence against persons or property, or unduly restricted civilians’ access to essential services and basic necessities to include access to food, water, electricity, or medical supplies.”

