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UNRWA nominated for Nobel Peace Prize, amid allegations workers took part in Oct. 7


Unto Thee I lift my eyes. Ps. 123
Staff member

Norwegian MP taps embattled UN agency for award, saying its ‘support to Palestine and the region in general’ is ‘even more vital’ during Israel-Hamas war​

OSLO, Norway — A Norwegian politician said Thursday that he has nominated the UN Palestinian refugee agency UNRWA, embroiled in a controversy over the alleged involvement of employees in the Hamas-led October 7 terror onslaught against Israel, for the Nobel Peace Prize.

Labour MP Asmund Aukrust told the Dagbladet newspaper he had nominated the UN Relief and Works Agency “for its long-term work to provide vital support to Palestine and the region in general.”

“This work has been crucial for over 70 years, and even more vital in the last three months,” said the politician who is vice-chairman of Norway’s parliament’s foreign affairs committee.
