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Unknown man wearing satanic mask, holding sign with apocalyptic Bible verse stuns North Texas neighbors

CARROLLTON, Texas — A strange and unsettling incident has left a North Texas neighborhood uneasy. Over the weekend, an unknown man approached a family's home near Hebron Pkwy along SH 121 wearing a satanic mask and holding a sign that read "Revelation 20:1–15."

The stranger was captured on the family's doorbell and driveway cameras.
This Bible passage, which depicts the apocalypse and eternal judgment, includes imagery of followers ascending to heaven while the condemned are cast into a lake of fire.

Scott Geairn, a neighbor, was one of many who watched the footage of the strange encounter shared on Nextdoor. "When I saw that, I was like, uhh, what's the message here?" Geairn said, reflecting on the eerie scene. "It's so weird," he added.

The man didn't just approach the home's front door, either. He also walked behind the house, where he was captured on a driveway camera holding the sign.

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Maybe someone is aware of or thinks there might be unrepentant sin by someone in the house, or at least one person in the house is unsaved, and the person is trying something other than what hasn't yet worked.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and over and hoping for/expecting a different result.
