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United States Pressuring Israel to Pull Out of Gaza, Leave Hamas in Charge

The United States is still pressuring Israel to agree to a cease-fire with Hamas in the Gaza Strip. On Tuesday, Secretary of State Antony Blinken claimed that Israel agreed to the terms of a cease-fire that will see all Israel Defense Forces (IDF) troops leaving Gaza.

Secretary Blinken does not appear to have consulted with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu about it, though.

There's a lot to unpack here.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Tuesday that despite reported comments from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel has agreed to withdrawals of IDF forces from Gaza that are laid out in the recent mediators’ proposal to get closer to a ceasefire agreement with Hamas.
“The agreement is very clear on the schedule and the locations of IDF withdrawals from Gaza, and Israel has agreed to that,” said Blinken in remarks to reporters before departing Qatar.
Blinken was responding to Israeli media reports that Netanyahu told a group of families of terror victims and hostages that he conveyed to Blinken that Israel will not leave the Philadelphi corridor along the Egypt-Gaza border and the Netzarim corridor, which bisects Gaza, “regardless of the pressure to do so.” They are “strategic military and political assets,” Netanyahu added, according to the reports.
It would seem to be a mistake to give up those corridors, as they allow Hamas to resupply, but what seems a greater mistake for Israel is to agree to anything that leaves Hamas intact and in charge of any part of Gaza. The only thing this will accomplish is to allow Hamas to regroup, re-arm, and try again, and who knows but that perhaps they will coordinate more effectively with Hezbollah for a two-pronged attack, which would be much harder for Israel to counter.

Secretary Blinken has reportedly warned Israel that the United States will not accept any agreement that leaves IDF troops in Gaza — or that removes Hamas from the board.


Every time I think this administration could get not get dumber, they prove me wrong.
I may be just thinking too much here, but I have had a strong feeling this Regime has intent on the Middle East conflict to intensify to full blown war because it's a perfect Storm to impose their globalists Agenda because "people just can't be self governed and need a global leadership to keep Peace".
They tried it with a global pandemic and fell short. A major war is another attempt to create "order out of chaos".
Either way war in the Middle East is inevitable because Bible prophecy says it's coming.