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United Nations Vote for Immediate Ceasefire


This is a left-leaning newspaper but why I quoted this article, they let the cat out of the bag. The ceasefire is because it's the month of 'ramadan'. It's the Islamification of everything. 'Secularists' are anti-Christian and Jewish but pro-Muslim. Maranatha!

The way the whole world seems to be illogically uniting against Israel would suggest to me that the rapture is very near.


The UN security council has voted to demand an immediate ceasefire in Gaza for the first time since the start of the Israel-Hamas war, after the US dropped a threat to veto, bringing Israel to near total isolation on the world stage.

The US abstained and the 14 other council members all voted in favour of the security council ceasefire resolution, put forward by the 10 elected council members who voiced their frustration with more than five months of deadlock between the major powers. Applause broke out in the chamber after the vote.

The text demanded “an immediate ceasefire for the month of Ramadan leading to a lasting sustainable ceasefire”. It also demanded the release of hostages but did not make a truce dependent on them being freed, as Washington had previously demanded.
Then this, later in the article:
"On Tuesday, a UN human rights expert will deliver a report calling for Israel to be placed under an arms embargo, on the grounds that it has carried out acts of “genocide” in Gaza."
It’s hard to not be angry at these people who seem out of their minds! I just don’t understand their thinking.
It’s hard to not be angry at these people who seem out of their minds! I just don’t understand their thinking.
Their thinking is corrupted by Satan. Little by little, chip by chip.
First they expelled God from the classroom, and then from the Nation.
Now they turn against the apple of God's eye. It is just a logical step.

But God knew beforehand it would happen. It is all according to His plan.
They may think they have the upper hand, but they will be crushed.
Zechariah 14 tells us, how ALL the nations will turn against Jerusalem.

But then, God will show Himself to be the Might On of Israel!