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UN to 'inspire behavior change' with digital IDs

Excerpts from article:

Governments need to roll out digital identity programs to fight climate change, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) said last week.

Digital ID: A tracking system
In an article titled “Why legal identity is crucial to tackling the climate crisis,” UNDP officials made the case for why digital identity is a key weapon against climate change. If governments assign digital identities to citizens, they explained, authorities can track populations more easily in an environmental disaster....

...Digital ID: A way to ‘change behaviors

But digital identity is not only for tracking taxpayer movements and backgrounds. It can also be used to track how much energy taxpayers are consuming, says the UNDP. Once a government has this data, it can force citizens to change their energy consumption habits, or what the UNDP calls “inspiring behavior change.”

...Digital ID: The center of a taxpayer's life

According to the UN’s vision, each individual’s digital identity will be tied to other aspects of his or her life, creating a kind of digital web. At the center of this web would be the ID, which would be accessible to government authorities....


**Taken from Olive Tree Ministries Website....

Every time I hear them whining about climate change and the hurt feelings of "mother" earth I feel like throwing my recyclables in the trash and going on a long gas guzzling drive to enjoy the scenery God made!

They just want to target people for not being greenie enough. They don't care about contacting people in a climate emergency! Those are called forest fires, tornadoes and floods and they don't have the time or resources to cope when those occur. These are the ones who moan about carbon and get on jets to fly around the world attending conferences using more carbon than the average person uses in an entire lifetime.
Every time I hear them whining about climate change and the hurt feelings of "mother" earth I feel like throwing my recyclables in the trash and going on a long gas guzzling drive to enjoy the scenery God made!

They just want to target people for not being greenie enough. They don't care about contacting people in a climate emergency! Those are called forest fires, tornadoes and floods and they don't have the time or resources to cope when those occur. These are the ones who moan about carbon and get on jets to fly around the world attending conferences using more carbon than the average person uses in an entire lifetime.
@Margery, while the greenie people certainly want to control the way we handle nature, I think that's the only interest they have. But they themselves are useful idiots for the globalists who don't want to control the way we handle nature ... or anything else. They want to control US. They want to live as kings of the world while those they allow to survive will simply keep things operating for them.
(read post in inambic syllabry :lol:

If I color my hair green, with green vegetable dye;
and if I switch to green LEDs, for reading at night;
and if I move my dog and me, into my little green tent,
do you suppose I'll be green enough, that they'll be content?
If not, then they can check out the green paint job, I'll do on my butt :tap:

(posting while taking a break and hurting and frustrated :lol:

@2024 GI
Every time I hear them whining about climate change and the hurt feelings of "mother" earth I feel like throwing my recyclables in the trash and going on a long gas guzzling drive to enjoy the scenery God made!

They just want to target people for not being greenie enough. They don't care about contacting people in a climate emergency! Those are called forest fires, tornadoes and floods and they don't have the time or resources to cope when those occur. These are the ones who moan about carbon and get on jets to fly around the world attending conferences using more carbon than the average person uses in an entire lifetime.

The UN won't be contacting anyone in case of wildfire, tornado, flood, etc. It will still be local law enforcement, fire department, other local responders, churches, and neighbors, the same as it has been "forever."

If, however the UN showed up for a volcano erupting, since they care so much, they could throw themselves into said volcano to appease the "volcano gods," and maybe collect the carbon tax to avoid any revenue shortfalls the rest of us would surely have to make up :tap: