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UN official blames Israelis for the Amsterdam pogrom

UN Special Rapporteur Francesca Albanese seems to blame Israelis for the Amsterdam pogrom, during which an anti-Israel mob violently attacked Israelis following a Maccabi-Ajax football game.

Albanese, who has consistently criticized Israel, asked the media to “set the record straight” on the attack and made remarks that apparently laid the blame for the attacks at the feet of the victims.

She quoted a post on X that called the pogrom in Amsterdam a “lie.”
The post said, “World leaders all clamored to follow the egregious lie of a pogrom peddled by a regime that’s committing a genocide.”

Albanese replied, with apparent sarcasm, “In the West, Israel and Israelis can never be in the wrong.”
She seemed to subscribe to the false report that the crowd was reacting to anti-Palestinian provocation by Maccabi fans before the riots.


Is anyone surprised? 😡
But then she's a definite antisemite who has blamed Israel for everything and accuses Israel of genocide.
The United Nothings will never hold anyone accountable for attacks against Israel. To them it's always Israel's fault.