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UN chief slams Hamas, warns Israel over retaliatory actions


Excerpts from Article:

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres lambasts Hamas’ attacks on Israel, calling on the terror group to release all hostages while also expressing distress over Israel’s response to the surprise assault that began on Saturday morning.

“Let me begin by repeating my utter condemnation of the abhorrent attacks by Hamas and others against Israeli towns and villages in the Gaza periphery, which have left over 800 Israelis dead and more than 2,500 injured,” Guterres says in a statement to the press after huddling with senior UN officials to discuss the ongoing violence from Gaza. “I recognize the legitimate grievances of the Palestinian people. But nothing can justify these acts of terror and the killing, maiming and abduction of civilians.”

“I reiterate my call to immediately cease these attacks and release all hostages,” he adds.

“Israel must see its legitimate needs for security materialized – and Palestinians must see a clear perspective for the establishment of their own state realized,” Guterres continues, calling for a two-state solution.


I find it ironic how the UN Always seem to be quick to condemn and place all the burden on Israel when it comes to self defense which apparently the UN believes everyone has a right to defend themselves accept Israel 🤬