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Two of the Nation's Largest Pharmacy Chains Will Start Selling Abortion Pills

Tall Timbers

Imperfect but forgiven
Staff member
CVS and Walgreens announced Friday that select stores across the U.S. will begin carrying the dangerous abortion drug mifepristone, just weeks before the Supreme Court case challenging the Food and Drug Administration’s reckless approval of mail-order abortion pills.

CVS will fill prescriptions for the abortion drug in Massachusetts and Rhode Island in the next couple of weeks and will begin to expand to states “where allowed by law, on a rolling basis.”

Walgreens will roll out the pill in the coming week at select pharmacy locations in New York, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, California, and Illinois.

The Right to Life battle will most assuredly continue until the 2nd coming of Jesus.
The most basic of knowledge that humans see and know at the youngest of age is what a baby is, even when they are unable to know how conception and development truly works. Everything that comes in evil opposition of this to me doesn't seem logical, intelligent, and slyly deceptive; especially for grown ups. Is it due to willful ignorance, being debased/reprobate, or just going along while fully aware of the murder of unborn humans? Seems easy to know to me. But I could be wrong.
It goes all the way back to the way a person was raised and taught, and the value system (or lack of) they were brought up in. When kids are taught from kindergarten about evolution, it creates a mindset that life “just happens.” It destroys the wonder and the beauty of life. It also creates the basis that makes it easier for people to believe the pro-choice agenda of lies that are fed to them—-that an embryo is not a baby or even a person. Then there is the politicizing of abortion and convincing even very young ladies that it is a “healthcare” “right” they must have and that it’s “my body my choice.” Combine all of that with a Godless upbringing and an ignorance of the truth which we are so privileged and blessed to know—-that life begins at the moment of conception, where God already has that person planned—-and we have a person who does not fully understand what they are doing. They will choose to ignore the nagging of their own God-given conscience, believing that what they are feeling is wrong, because the other voices must be right.
Abortion destroys two lives. One is an innocent baby who will never get to see life on this earth. The other is a sinful woman who is just that much further away from coming to Jesus.
“The lamp of the body is the eye. If therefore your eye is good, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in you is darkness, how great is that darkness! (Matt 6:22-23)
How great is that darkness!!!
Those of us who are now in the light tend to forget how great that darkness is.