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Turkey’s Erdogan: Israel will soon be destroyed


“You can have as many nuclear bombs as you want, but you’re on your way out,” said Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan told his country’s parliament on Wednesday that Israel would soon be destroyed.

“Right now, I am openly saying with clear conscience that Israel is a terrorist state,” said Erdoğan.
While this comment was widely reported, his subsequent remarks went largely unnoticed.

“Hey Israel: You have an atomic bomb, a nuclear bomb. And you are making threats with this. We know this. And your end is near,” said Erdoğan.


I saw an article on the RR news feed for yesterday with Iran stating that they are going to create a second battlefront on the Northern borders of Israel using Hezbollah of course since they are too chicken themselves to jump in and get involved in this directly
Yes, Turkey, Iran, Hezbollah. They are all making these noises, but something is holding them back.
(We know it's the Restrainer, of course)
But from a human point of view, I would say, they are waiting for Russia to take the lead.
Yes, Turkey, Iran, Hezbollah. They are all making these noises, but something is holding them back.
(We know it's the Restrainer, of course)
But from a human point of view, I would say, they are waiting for Russia to take the lead.
Yeah their rhetoric is becoming more frequent and vocal by the day, maybe the Ukraine is still the focus for Russia before their attentions turn to Israel or maybe Israel in one of their attacks inadvertently kills some Russian soldiers and that causes them to finally go to war .

Let's see how the Lord lets it play out i guess
In his wildest dreams :lol:

Sorry, Erdogan, that's not how the book ends.
Spoiler alert: The God of the Bible won and He's still protecting Israel :bliss: :israel: :bliss: :israel: :bliss:

I don't care how many minarets you and satan put up, and how many calls to blasphemy, the devil already lost around 2000 years ago, and there's no way to change that because it's a done deal, and God (Jesus) said, "It is finished."

28 After this, Jesus knowing that all things were now accomplished, that the scripture might be fulfilled, saith, I thirst.
29 Now there was set a vessel full of vinegar: and they filled a spunge with vinegar, and put it upon hyssop, and put it to his mouth.
30 When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, It is finished: and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost.
John 19:28-30, KJV

Naa, na, naa, na, naaa, na. Naa, na naa, na, naaa, na!

So there, too!