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Tulsi Gabbard says she supports reauthorizing surveillance law that she was once against

President-elect Donald Trump's pick for director of national intelligence, Tulsi Gabbard, has flipped the script regarding a surveillance law she used to be against.

It is uncertain whether or not Gabbard will be confirmed as she has met with multiple senators on both sides of the aisle over the past couple of weeks.

Gabbard told CNN in a statement that she would support FISA Section 702, which is a tool meant to gather information that was passed after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks in 2001.


As I understand Section 702 of the FISA act, it specifically permits the gathering of FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE on NON-U.S. persons ABROAD. I have no problem with that. It was all the other aspects of the FISA act that I found unconstitutional and a danger to Americans rather than a protection for them.
Just the News is a conservative leaning news source and is pretty good on looking into balance while reporting news. To me it is one of the few sources that i don't have to go through with a fine tooth comb. From the take, it seems its is stating a change in Tulsi position. I am not clear as to why that is news, as I am used to news having a biting edge. Which this article does not seem to have. Perhaps it is a story of "go to" status amongst all the propaganda sources that will use this info to demonize Tulsi.

To me the bottom line on FISA is if we have trust worthy agencies, it can work. Sure 911 brought on more of a police state. Sure, 911 made conditions more draconian and beast system enabled. But as long as we are in the age of grace, i don't think the issue so much of maybe how much America might be heading into AI camera tracking and social scoring China is into. But rather it would seem that the issue for us in America of having leadership that deserves to be in power.

From what i understand over along periods of time in the USA, the CIA has been an entity trying to control the world and us in America. So we are not off to a good start even there. But I believe part of the problem too is that America has kind of been trained not to care who governs. And we just shrug our shoulders and are ok with outsourcing our sense of governmental authority. Like an age that would rather having government be our parent and we just not be so concerned. Which is lazy and lethargic. If America remains like that, eventually we will be a Social Credit Score Country. Regardless of who is office. It is inevitable i believe. But if we can at least maybe hold elected officials accountable and care to again (making by the people for the people great again), than FISA anything can work.

I agree with Pastor Adrian though on the merits of the 702 section. As I think about it, the deep states like FISA abuse, so maybe the idea here is to tell America Tulsi flipped so those deep staters that can confirm her might be confused thinking a FISA flip means the deep state can control her (or so they might think). It would make sense why Just the News would report this. Blessings.

Tulsi Gabbard’s flip-flop on warrantless searches​

When she was a member of the House of Representatives, Tulsi Gabbard fiercely defended personal privacy rights protected by the Fourth Amendment. She consistently opposed permitting federal agents to spy on Americans without search warrants and voted against the reauthorization of Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978.

Last week, Ms. Gabbard, who is about to be nominated as the Director of National Intelligence—the head of all known American spying agencies—changed her mind on Section 702 and no longer believes that the Constitution means what it says.

The Supreme Court has characterized spying as surveillance and surveillance as a search under the Fourth Amendment. That amendment requires search warrants issued by judges based upon probable cause of crime demonstrated to the judges under oath and specifically describing the place to be searched or thing to be seized for the surveillance—the spying—to be lawful.

The amendment’s drafters intentionally employed the word “people,” making it obvious that the amendment protects every person from every search and seizure by anyone from the government without a warrant. It is not limited to Americans, adults, good people, or people the government likes; rather, it protects all people.

To win the votes of Republican senators who hate the Fourth Amendment, Ms. Gabbard has told them she now favors Section 702 warrantless spying. This is the very same Section 702 used to justify spying on Donald Trump before his election in 2016 and during his first term as president.

Complete Article:

This seems to me to be an alarmist article according to my understanding of section 702 of the FISA act. Section 702 allows the government to collect information from non-U.S. people outside the U.S. Specifically, it allows the U.S. government to acquire the content of communications of non-America potential terror threats outside the United States without a warrant by compelling American communications companies to surrender such communications to the government when ordered. Now, in practice maybe that is being twisted and used improperly at the moment. I don't know. But, as written, how is Section 702 a threat to Americans rather than a protection?
This seems to me to be an alarmist article according to my understanding of section 702 ofv the FISA act. Section 702 allows the government to collect information from non-U.S. people outside the U.S. Now, maybe that is being twisted and used improperly at the moment. I didn't know. But, as written, how is Section 702 a threat to Americans rather than a protection?
"Alarmist article?"
This report is widespread among both sides of the news either conservative or liberal supporting news sources....

Tulsi Gabbard changes tone on surveillance powers she once sought to dismantle​

Tulsi Gabbard shifts stance on key surveillance tool she previously opposed​


Tulsi Gabbard Says She Now Supports Controversial Surveillance Law​

Tulsi Gabbard changes tune on controversial intelligence tool following GOP lobbying​

Here's a YouTube podcast reporting on her change of stance on spying on Americans using FISA which was designed to use on foreigners not Americans.

Ok so this is just my take. And not one of those posts steeped in fact. I say that because of a conversation I had a while back with one of our forum members on Kristi Noam. I liked Kristi and what she did curing COVID for South Dekota. But she did seem to have interests in green agenda money that aided her more than the people she governed. And no matter how I tried to slice it, I must admit, unless Kristi is not too bright, she bears the earmarks of a politician that can be bought. Not happy with that. So hope she changes her tune on that. Now that is something i'd like to see a flip-flop on. Amen.

However, as far as Tulsi, I do have a take on this aside from perhaps some of the helpful ingredients regarding FISA. And this will be about as controversial as it gets I imagine. Not knowing how things will play out exactly in our near future, is an open forum for all of us to yet witness. Amen. But in and of itself, if FISA were in responsible hands, I think a lot of good can be done with it. The problem is, can it ever really be in responsible hands? This is good to consider soberly. Amen.

Having said that, and hopeful to have provided some level of context as it relates hopefully to some degree that when I say what I am going to say it not be understood as too crazy...lol. I honestly do try to weigh many levels of issues to best see what is most important about any of them. And where my own ideologies may favor this or that view...I do try to hold my own ideological feet to the hottest and best fire I can find. But in my own ideology I am not looking to be my own echo chamber. I would only want my convictions to have relevance if they have relevance. And since they are of strange measure, it will be on me to double check myself. Because I have not found anyone else who shares my views to the degree I have them. So I would just ask that my observation here be taken in this context. Thanks :)

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DISCLAIMER I am saying the following as a general address in contrast to an ideology that is included with concerns of this magnititude. The things stated below are not meant to be taken as differences we can have on levels of concerns we do have in how public office may differ in perspectives within our hearts. But the address below is meant purely in relation to where I believe the constructs of idealogical differences that from which emerge concerns. Not that we should not have them. For any concerns that are not of the garden variety that stem from Hageleian Dialectic ideology, to those personal differences we may political or religousoly hold, amen. These are differences we can discuss and differ with. And we are not the brighter for having one view over the other because these are, regarldess how we slice it, difficul times to Discern, amen. But in order to highliht where to me it strikes like some core elements of concerns in this particular issue with Tulsi resdies deeply within a Hagelian Dialectic paradigm, I mean to aim my language and points at the ideological problems consdistent within them. Outside of left right same birdism...amen...we can disagree in naunce and variation. But the loaded language below is aimed at highlighting the troubled waters of holding Hagelian Dialectic thought too cozy like a teddy bear. I believe it has its place, amen. But that place is not on our bed snuggling up against us. Throughout the night. Just saying...Blessings in advance.

. . . . .

I believe Tulsi may see some things that are actually helpful regarding FISA. However, the irony here is that FISA works both ways. By that I don't mean that the Trump admin should use FISA to spy on its political opponents. For political warfare purposes. But what I would think to be to some degree obvious (less so for those holding Hagelian Dialectic to some high degree) is that a very large portion of Trump opposition just happens to be globalist minded or out right in line with criminal political syndicates. Using American dollars to fund agencies that exist so we have money on the books going somewhere. Meanwhile crime syndicates use agencies to pay salaries of people that just want to be on the payroll and have money for nothing. Only this is now more the norm in government than the exception. That is the state of our affairs.

It still can come to shock some these days that basically America is the globalist empire of the world. Exceeding even the European Union because of financial power and influence worldwide. So we get a cat like Biden to be a puppet face for the crime syndicate and there is wide spread globalist damage done all over the place. To such a degree that much of the country is under the function of the political Mafia. That may sound extreme. But it actually has become the norm. Symptoms of this is DEI becoming policy enough to escort generations into political offices under its policies. In other words, "Don't hire the best, hire under criteria that can be controlled from other measurements. And get those people who don't know what they are doing because we want them that way. That way they can be controlled. Those who knows what they are doing can reasonably disagree. Those that don't can easily be owned." On its face its DEI. At its root, it is policy to dumb America down so politics can be used to own people and go Mafia direction while it looks to the country like we have a more honorable DEI policy. And this is unfortunately just how far gone America is. Hagelian Dialectic works best if we start from an even playing field. But Hagelian Dialectic overlays two wings of the same bird mentality on top of a Mafia led government structure...while there are some good faith players that would want to remove Mafia control. Under Hagelian Dialectic ideology, this cannot happen--the permission of good faith players. To me it is the medieval mindset of the dark age Catholic approach to governance--to see through the eyes of Hagel. And end at the same place. The people are too dumb to know any better (would not be what we say in our hearts, but likely what we would go with under Hagel).

But I think there are some people in political power that have a desire to help in real terms. This is not permitted under the dark age regime theories of Hagelian Dialectic. Please keep in mind those that hold to this view are subjecting themselves to a gnostic concept because Hagel was a gnostic. One theme Hagelian Dialectic holders might be good to consider to do as an exercise might be this: At the end of the day, how is how we might be looking at politics different than new age? The end is the same, no? The end being short term gains by the NWO. For new agers its breaking free from "those who cage us in." For Hagelian Dialectic-ers its "There is no breaking free from the cage." I realize the Hagelian Dialectic concern is baked into biblical thinking suggesting the NWO and devil wins in this age scope, God has so ordained...we would see. So we go by that. And well enough that seems. But still at the end of the day it ends up in the same place as new age thought I believe. Because it makes the powers that be something we must escape or think more cleverly outside of. And assigns no potential sovereign element of God in it beyond what "we" permit that to look like for Him. And that, is not up to us. We don't get to decide how reality looks because we think we have a better grasp of the Bible. If that were true, so were the inquisitions. And so were the crusades. Just saying.

So with that dramatic open, I just want to say that I believe there is room to consider that quite a bit of FISA could be used on globalist entities trying to reroute America, own it, and destroy it. For the constitution is the enemy of globalism. It literally grants real rights that exist. Get rid of the constitution and anything goes. To not think this might not be real warfare today is I believe unfortunatley to not have an idea of how powerful the Constituion is (and that it made the most powerful country known to humanity as evidence. But if our concern is laid over with how freemasonry controls America and there is no real power in the US Constitution, this again to me is dark age thinking the Catholic superstiatious rule used on the surfs. We don't have to see ourselves as surfs. WE don't. Just saying.

So my MAIN POINT -- To the degree Tulsi might have flipped might be to the degree FISA actually is helpful in legitmately taking down the NWO. And on this note, it makes perfect sense. For she flip flopped from Democrate to Republican. Maybe that is not all that legit. But she did speak over the years very plainly. She was not a waffler for the most part. And she took a lot of heat in contrast. Aside from whatever game theory might exist in Hagelian Dialectic, I guess we will see. But for some, if the NWO collapses it can only mean by a more real NWO danger. And I would beg to hugely differ. Because somewhere in there is God. And if we feel at liberty to own a narrative for Him--that the only way the NWO collapses is because of greater one emerging, we to some degree forfeit any reason including a more nuanced sovereignty of God and tend to outsource logic to an ideology. At the end of the day, we should own our ideologies. Not they, us. Having said that, I believe we can hold much concern for Hagelian Dialectic in politics, for it is certainly real (just seeing the confirmation hearings demonstrates its ugly head potential). But we should not allow a thought in Hagel's mind of what he innocently observed how politics just normally works (that our age has perverted) and submit to being owned by it--because to us it might make for us or at us the same alligations we would throw at Qanon...but not we ourselves? For us it can become a sense of somewhat gnosticaly being more in the know (wink/wink--wink). For the children of the light are in the light because of His mind, not our own. Just a thought. Blessings.
"Alarmist article?"
This report is widespread among both sides of the news either conservative or liberal supporting news sources....

Tulsi Gabbard changes tone on surveillance powers she once sought to dismantle​

Tulsi Gabbard shifts stance on key surveillance tool she previously opposed​


Tulsi Gabbard Says She Now Supports Controversial Surveillance Law​

Tulsi Gabbard changes tune on controversial intelligence tool following GOP lobbying​

Here's a YouTube podcast reporting on her change of stance on spying on Americans using FISA which was designed to use on foreigners not Americans.

I'm not disputing that there is a lot of reaction on both sides of the political spectrum. My point is her only change seems to be in regard to Section 702, a section which I don't think should concern any American citizen. Her primary concern seems to be the protection of American citizens, not putting their protections at risk. But both the Left and the Right commentators who are up in arms over this seem to imply --or outright state-- that she is not willing to protect the constitutional rights of American citizens. Which is a giant step from what she has actually said, which is why I called it alarmist.

But maybe I don't understand the fine points of this issue. I would love to hear the reason(s) why supporting Section 702 would be bad for Americans.
I'm not disputing that there is a lot of reaction on both sides of the political spectrum. My point is her only change seems to be in regard to Section 702, a section which I don't think should concern any American citizen. Her primary concern seems to be the protection of American citizens, not putting their protections at risk. But both the Left and the Right commentators who are up in arms over this seem to imply --or outright sy tate-- that she is not willing to protect the constitutional rights of American citizens. Which is a giant step from what she has actually said, which is why I called it alarmist.

But maybe I don't understand the fine points of this issue. I would love to hear the reason(s) why supporting Section 702 would be bad for Americans.
It is a good indication that this is your understanding pastor. Because if it strikes you this way honestly it possibly could be a way Tulsi is thinking about it. I remember she was interviewed a while back on Patrick Bin-David's Valuetainment podcast when all the Candace Owens/Daily Wire stuff was going off the charts. And Tusli had no idea who Jeremy Boreing was. Which for those who have not followed, would not really know either...lol...just saying. It was funny how Patric thought she was kidding that she did not know. But he was gentle about it. It's probably a heatlhy sign that a political figure actually has a life outside of social media me thinks :) But in a way, it was a huge public issue and so Tulsi is gonna see things the way she comes across things.

I haven't looked all that up into either because over the years I have been tossed so about by what to believe at some points I just sometimes rest on my laurels lol. And just stay the course while catching my breath. But yeah, if anyone can point out what it is in 702 that is bad, that would be good to hear about amen. We've become a generation of smack talkers (self included). So when there is a lot of that going on it could be fire or it could just be spin. With what is at stake with FISA and the months ahead, I admit in part my reverse engineering time to presume that FISA could become the deep states biggest challenge. The likelihood of that is pretty high. So as long as we have it, mind as well use it up to fullest if it actually helps. And if that kicks into gear, the ones that cry the loudest are likely the ones that needed it the most. Guess will see. Just liked your observations and reasoning. Blessings.
I'm not disputing that there is a lot of reaction on both sides of the political spectrum. My point is her only change seems to be in regard to Section 702, a section which I don't think should concern any American citizen. Her primary concern seems to be the protection of American citizens, not putting their protections at risk. But both the Left and the Right commentators who are up in arms over this seem to imply --or outright state-- that she is not willing to protect the constitutional rights of American citizens. Which is a giant step from what she has actually said, which is why I called it alarmist.

But maybe I don't understand the fine points of this issue. I would love to hear the reason(s) why supporting Section 702 would be bad for Americans.
The woman in this video points out the original FISA Section 702 and explains what it is and then she says that Congress made an amendment to Section 702 and explains that amendment in how it does not change the loophole that was used for the FBI to spy on Americans without a warrant.
I think what the problem is, isn't so much where Tulsi says she stands on 702, but that leaving Section 702, even with the amendment, doesn't change the loophole that was used to include Americans in the same kind of spying as what the FISA is intended for to apply only to foreigners. By Tulsi agreeing that 702 is a good thing she supports and not specifying that the loophole must be thrown out she's agreeing to continue with it as it was used, against Americans.
Listen to the video it's not very long like 12 minutes.

It is a good indication that this is your understanding pastor. Because if it strikes you this way honestly it possibly could be a way Tulsi is thinking about it. I remember she was interviewed a while back on Patrick Bin-David's Valuetainment podcast when all the Candace Owens/Daily Wire stuff was going off the charts. And Tusli had no idea who Jeremy Boreing was. Which for those who have not followed, would not really know either...lol...just saying. It was funny how Patric thought she was kidding that she did not know. But he was gentle about it. It's probably a heatlhy sign that a political figure actually has a life outside of social media me thinks :) But in a way, it was a huge public issue and so Tulsi is gonna see things the way she comes across things.

I haven't looked all that up into either because over the years I have been tossed so about by what to believe at some points I just sometimes rest on my laurels lol. And just stay the course while catching my breath. But yeah, if anyone can point out what it is in 702 that is bad, that would be good to hear about amen. We've become a generation of smack talkers (self included). So when there is a lot of that going on it could be fire or it could just be spin. With what is at stake with FISA and the months ahead, I admit in part my reverse engineering time to presume that FISA could become the deep states biggest challenge. The likelihood of that is pretty high. So as long as we have it, mind as well use it up to fullest if it actually helps. And if that kicks into gear, the ones that cry the loudest are likely the ones that needed it the most. Guess will see. Just liked your observations and reasoning. Blessings.
I'm not a "smack talker" please don't include me. I may make errors at times like all of us do but I don't engage in talking smack thank you.
No 1 Lover I did not mean it like that though. The way I meant it was "smack" as in the political jargon used by those in politics. Like we see toward Pam Bondi. You are just reporting on what you see as important to consider. I meant to mean that smack is what a lot of news is about. What major news sources drum up to stir the public conscience. I apologize if it seemed personal. Not at all. I understand I say some pretty out there things and I speak with directness and sometimes not. So I understand how it might look. I would never just say you are smack talking even if I felt I was. I just meant you might report on news though of what smack talkers make out to be news. If that makes sense? Sorry for not being more clear on that. But hey...please..check this out...

Ill be honest with you. Something like this with Tulsi I believe is going to be too far reaching in terms of how it might play out in a very complicated political theater. I wonder why in the world Trump let it remain as is. Expecially after being spied on himself. So there is a lot that does not make sense to me about how this sort of thing can be used. Abviously straight up transcends the constitution. But in some ways if we used it responsibility maybe for a season we can let that slide. That probably is not the best attitude. I admit that. But honestly I am looking more at where it is likely going more so than the merits we see now. Which is not exactly fair to you or you concern. I understand. And for that I apologize. Because your concern is super valid. 702 on its face walks over the 4th Ammendemnt. And you are of true patriotic heart and genuine godly concern as to why something like this should NOT slide. Expeically when everyone and their mother is making the argument as plain as they can for us.

So I actually commend your faithfulness to the issue here. This is something I would not spend much time on because I am a bit more interested in what is done with things later. That is my bad. No one should soundly or reasonably think that way...lol. I do because of my convictions. But that is likely just giving myself an excuse. So after looking this over, yeah, you totally have point. It totally looks like Tusli is more interested in a job than the Constituion. And for even the appearance of that, I would say she should not get the job. That is scary. And it pains me to see her hollow out her soul like that.

Perhaps there is a stratagie behind this. But after a while I get tired of making plot threads in my head to run cover for politicians. Sometimes it is really worth it reconsider how we are looking at things sometimes. Because it is confusing and there is quite a bit of nuance (way more than usual). But something that looks this way on the surface has me thinking that Tulsi is not making good press. And if she does not know how to come across to us average people, she certainly can't handle deep tech secrets...and be in charge of it all. Plus her comment about the power of agency being more than the president and not accountable? lol. She's insane.

I would love to see her memorandum in full. Do you know where we can find what she said in complete context? Because I spent like an hour looking for it. And don't see her issued statement in total anywhere. Can anyone help with that? Because if that nonsense about not being accountable is not stated out of context (which is sounds like it is) then yeah...Tulsi blew it. Totally...lol. People be people.

Thanks for privding Ana. That is the way to turn me :) Blessings.
No 1 Lover I did not mean it like that though. The way I meant it was "smack" as in the political jargon used by those in politics. Like we see toward Pam Bondi. You are just reporting on what you see as important to consider. I meant to mean that smack is what a lot of news is about. What major news sources drum up to stir the public conscience. I apologize if it seemed personal. Not at all. I understand I say some pretty out there things and I speak with directness and sometimes not. So I understand how it might look. I would never just say you are smack talking even if I felt I was. I just meant you might report on news though of what smack talkers make out to be news. If that makes sense? Sorry for not being more clear on that. But hey...please..check this out...

Ill be honest with you. Something like this with Tulsi I believe is going to be too far reaching in terms of how it might play out in a very complicated political theater. I wonder why in the world Trump let it remain as is. Expecially after being spied on himself. So there is a lot that does not make sense to me about how this sort of thing can be used. Abviously straight up transcends the constitution. But in some ways if we used it responsibility maybe for a season we can let that slide. That probably is not the best attitude. I admit that. But honestly I am looking more at where it is likely going more so than the merits we see now. Which is not exactly fair to you or you concern. I understand. And for that I apologize. Because your concern is super valid. 702 on its face walks over the 4th Ammendemnt. And you are of true patriotic heart and genuine godly concern as to why something like this should NOT slide. Expeically when everyone and their mother is making the argument as plain as they can for us.

So I actually commend your faithfulness to the issue here. This is something I would not spend much time on because I am a bit more interested in what is done with things later. That is my bad. No one should soundly or reasonably think that way...lol. I do because of my convictions. But that is likely just giving myself an excuse. So after looking this over, yeah, you totally have point. It totally looks like Tusli is more interested in a job than the Constituion. And for even the appearance of that, I would say she should not get the job. That is scary. And it pains me to see her hollow out her soul like that.

Perhaps there is a stratagie behind this. But after a while I get tired of making plot threads in my head to run cover for politicians. Sometimes it is really worth it reconsider how we are looking at things sometimes. Because it is confusing and there is quite a bit of nuance (way more than usual). But something that looks this way on the surface has me thinking that Tulsi is not making good press. And if she does not know how to come across to us average people, she certainly can't handle deep tech secrets...and be in charge of it all. Plus her comment about the power of agency being more than the president and not accountable? lol. She's insane.

I would love to see her memorandum in full. Do you know where we can find what she said in complete context? Because I spent like an hour looking for it. And don't see her issued statement in total anywhere. Can anyone help with that? Because if that nonsense about not being accountable is not stated out of context (which is sounds like it is) then yeah...Tulsi blew it. Totally...lol. People be people.

Thanks for privding Ana. That is the way to turn me :) Blessings.
I see. I wouldn't have known you referred to the political arena or the news pundits because you included yourself in parentheses.
Thank you for clarifying.