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Trump's Cabinet Speaks Out on COVID, the United Nations, & Destroying the Deep State

Thanks Stacey. I know there has been a lot of concern with Trump and Warp Speed and his interest for a time to keep recommending the vax. It would have been good to have seen some discussions with him on that. But the reforms this administration wants to do, does look promising. Sometimes, ironically, it makes me wonder like we know Trump does not mind being politically incorrect. Perhaps more than any politician i can recall since Reagan. But like, with his persona world wide, who else might have been as willing to push their weight around aside from Trump. I can't really think of another politician or businessman holding enough clout not to mind gettting really dirty. Perhaps. There certainly is enough hate against him. Which is a good sign. I hope America keeps Trump's feet to the fire if need be. But his cabinet looks like he is getting ready to hunt for bear. Pretty cool to see. Thanks for the interview. :) Blessings.