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Trump names Sylvester Stallone, Mel Gibson and Jon Voight as special ambassadors to 'very troubled' Hollywood



"It is my honor to announce Jon Voight, Mel Gibson, and Sylvester Stallone, to be Special Ambassadors to a great but very troubled place, Hollywood, California," Trump wrote on his Truth Social platform.

"They will serve as Special Envoys to me for the purpose of bringing Hollywood, which has lost much business over the last four years to Foreign Countries, BACK—BIGGER, BETTER, AND STRONGER THAN EVER BEFORE!"
I am thinking Mel Gibson is Catholic and Sylvester Stallone maybe as well. A lot of Italian people are they were raised that way. They may be called Special Ambassadors to Hollywood, but what really counts is are you an Ambassador For Christ sharing the gospel?
I totally hear what you are saying. It would be nice. But please consider the following as to why it might be good to think about this a bit differently. :)

Being that these days there are concerns of Christian Naitonalism, I actually think this is a secular healthier direction. NAR will want to claim the entertainment industry as one of the 7 mountains to mandate. From the looks of it, Trump is just interested in not throwing America in the trash. But to produce things still. The way I look at this is comparing USA with China. Not movie wise but just to get a sense of what has been going on for dacedes.

China wants to build nuclear facilities and coal plants while America citations itself into the ground with green crack down. This way we have less coming out of our country. And what we do have we pay more for through carbon footprint tax. None of which China is accountable in.

So what we have here is a faliure to produce. And a giving an advantage to China. Think about it. If you were a globalist wanting to rule the world...would you want America powerfully protecting human rights? Humans you want to enslave as surfs to serve the eiite class? No. The best way to shut that down is make America economically weak. Militarily weak (have transgender military issues--soften the military down to political clownery). And politically weaken by Marxists divisions.

So if China can produce what we cant at a fraction of the cost, you move your emperialistic ideology toward that country. You use the American central banking printing press to fund you. Bankrupt the economy. Move everything to China (who does not have a constitution), and then in a few years blow on America as she falls over like an empty shell of a country -- easy to blow down like a house of cards. Make warships with cheap metal that easily sink when militarily confronted. And oops. The motion picture moment expresses that America lost the war. Oh too bad. I guess there is no longer a US constitution to protect the West or East. Oh well, looks like China will have to take the reigns. As we know how Joe Biden feels about Russia.

. . . . .

So yeah, if we look at it through that lens, Trump is just wanting to keep America alive. And thrive. While there is poo poo on Make America Great Again, its poo pooing the stability of the world. For those prone to poo poo, well I would just say...we may be done with it all, but its God's creation. And as long as he hasn't, we are kind of the stewards and the conscience. And I don't think that conscience is: Let China take America. I know we don't think in those terms. And I am just saying this in light of where I see the real arguments. No one would argue against more gospel avenues...amen. But the real game is "Take America Down." And on a spiritual level I think that has confused some of the church to kind of agree...lol. In the meantime I am just glad Christian Naitonalism is not what is coming to the rescue. It seems more faithful to Constituion that kept religion separate so that precisely it would not become a Christian Nationalist thingy. So I think what Trump is doing is just keeping America alive. Which I think is ok.

I understand where you are coming from though. Yeah it really is a time to be more gospel center. Amen. But I just wanted to give the backdrop of where I believe the mainstream surrounding arguments seem to migrate out into. So in a way, isn't it good that Trump is not trying to Make America as Christian as he is trying to make it just a world force player again? That is kind of where I am coming from. If that makes sense? Total blessings :) :heart: