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Trump issued executive order defining sex as ‘male and female’: ‘These are sexes that are not changeable’

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump on his first day in office Monday issued an order defining a person’s sex as “male or female” — requiring government agencies to use the “immutable” designation on forms and IDs while also ordering changes to federal prison policies that govern transgender inmates.

“What we’re doing today is defining that it is the policy of the United States to recognize two sexes: male and female. These are sexes that are not changeable, and they are grounded in fundamental and incontrovertible reality,” an incoming White House official told reporters.

The policies are included in an executive order — one of dozens that Trump, 78, signed shortly after he assumed the presidency around noon.

The order prevents people from changing their sex on US passports — which currently allow for holders to choose male, female or “X” — and will attempt to ban medical transition treatment for prisoners. Both new policies are likely to face litigation.

The order requires the State Department, Department of Homeland Security and other agencies “to ensure that official government documents, including passports and visas, reflect sex accurately,” the incoming official said.


That's great news that a Man and a Woman will be identified as what they are biologically.

But what about this guy? 👇

Man who spent $14K to transform himself into collie steps out for first-ever walk in public​

July 28, 2023

The dog days are just beginning for this man.

A Japanese native has transformed himself into a canine after forking out more than $14,000 for a custom-made collie costume.

The private citizen, who goes only by Toco online, says the unusual garment has helped actualize his dream of “becoming an animal.”

Complete Article

I was glued to the podcasts yesterday... shed a few tears, cheered, and actually sang a bit in praise to the Lord after Our Beloved President was sworn in.

God has given us a reprieve, for sure. Now it is up to us to clean up the Republic and ourselves for His honor.

We must become a beacon of righteousness, fairness and justice for His blessings and protection to continue to flow.
President Trump said during his speech that he's going to put common sense policies into place. Basic biology is as common sense as you can get.

I hope that his time in office will restore sanity in every basic avenue in our society that has been impacting the tender easily influenced minds of children, removing critical thinking and indoctrinating untruths that has been fed into children's minds over the years and has been doing so much damage.
If it's not bad enough to teach that children can choose based on feelings whatever gender they want to be and then choose to change their minds about what they are if their feelings change.
Sounds fun to a kid to choose to be a "Furry", which is under the class of gender identity in their alphabet. The list of classes in their ideology is endless.
"Restore sanity President Trump".