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Tin-Foil Hat Brigade

By Pete Garcia

You know who you are. You’re the person other people tiptoe around when it comes to discussing current events or religion. You are the person who can spend hours devouring scripture or news with equal vigor, pointing out ‘last days’ events to anyone who would listen to you. You are semi-shunned at church. You are disinvited from church socials because you are just too intense and narrow-minded. You’re called a “conspiracy theorist” or a “Jesus Freak” behind your back. You’re always going on about the Lord’s return and that “Rapture thingy”. Admit it. You are one of them, one of those “prophecy nuts.”

Isn’t it ironic how we live in the most prophetically active times since the days of Christ, and yet the world has somehow reached the pinnacle of its skepticism and cynicism? Now, I’m not even talking about the unbelieving, Christ-rejecting world. They have always been skeptical and mocking of our faith. But it would seem that the trend these days within the majority of professing Christendom, is to join in on the mocking of those who believe in a Pre-Tribulation Rapture and literal understanding of future events as laid out in the Bible.

When Christ walked the earth, the dominant world super-power at the time was Rome, and they worshipped the gods such as Diana and Jupiter. Furthermore, Jesus Himself performed hundreds of miracles, the biggest of which was bringing Lazarus back from the dead, and then resurrecting Himself, after the most brutal, public, and painful death a person could have…being publicly flogged, then nailed naked to a cross to suffocate to death. No faking that. And yet, the nation was not convinced.

For the last 150 years, Christianity has spent a significant amount of time and energy trying to defend itself against secular science and academia. But by spending so much time and energy trying to quantify and validate our belief, we have in large part, neglected the supernatural aspect of our faith; primarily that we worship a God who exists outside of time and space. Even though our faith isn’t indefensible by any stretch of the imagination, we still believe in things that can’t be tested in a laboratory......

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