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Thomas Massie Roasts Lawmakers Who Voted in Favor of Mandating a 'Kill-Switch' in Every Vehicle


Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) is one of a very few voices of sanity in Congress doing his level best to keep the rest of his colleagues from passing legislation intended to move the United States ever so much closer to full-blown authoritarianism.

In a frustrating, but predictable turn of events, Democratic and Republican lawmakers, in an effort to get in touch with their inner Soviets, voted down a measure introduced by Massie that would have done away with a provision in the 2021 Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act requiring automakers to install kill-switches in vehicles (allowing them to be turned off remotely).

While arguing against the kill-switch provision, Rep. Massie referred to it “a backseat driver” for American drivers. During an appearance with Fox News’ Laura Ingraham, he laid out the issues with the requirement.

