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The Young Prince - A story I wrote about the grace of God


Just waiting for the Rapture at this point!
The Young Prince

There once was a great Kingdom called Kamal which name means perfection ruled by a great King called Grayson whose name means keeper of the truth. He had an Emperor named Andras whose name means author of discord. Emperor Andras was extremely handsome and could sing and play music far better than anyone in the kingdom.

On day Emperor Andras decided that he should be worshiped just as King Grayson was. When King Grayson heard of this, he banished Emperor Andras from Kamal to a place where no one would want to live. Emperor Andras however, was able to convince a number of the people of Kamal to go with him who he later used as spies.

King Grayson had an 8 year old son named Nabal whose name means gullible. Prince Nabal was not quite as smart, good looking or healthy as most kids his age. Prince Nabal would tend to make bad decisions and get in trouble at times where King Grayson would have to punish him.

There was a ceremony in Kamal at the end of each month where Prince Nabal would ride his horse through Kamal and all would cheer him and celebrated as he rode through. This was a joyful time that all in the kingdom would be very excited to attend. This also was a time that Prince Nabal thoroughly enjoyed.

One day Prince Nabal thought he would see what was outside the kingdom. As soon as he left the kingdom boarders with his solders he ran into Emperor Andras who was waiting for him. Emperor Andras asked Prince Nabal what he was doing going out of the kingdom. Prince Nabal replied “I am a Prince and can go where I please” in a loud voice.

Emperor Andras replied, You a Prince? My spies have watched you these last few years and found you wanting. You have been seen playing in the forbidden mud pool, watching girls bathe in the women’s pond, stealing things from the King’s treasury, shall I go on? You are no prince!!!

Now Prince Nabal became very sad as Emperor Andras had correctly stated things that Prince Nabal had done, which were not at all Prince like. At the end of the month Prince Nabal road through Kamal, but this time he held his head down with conviction as he passed the crowd. The crowd would start to cheer, but when they saw Prince Nabal’s countenance they would stop cheering as they thought Prince Nabal was sick.

Now when King Grayson heard of this, he told his soldiers to bring Prince Nabal to him right away. When Prince Nabal arrived King Grayson said to him, what’s is wrong with you my son, are you sick? Prince Nabal replied, no I am not sick, but I am not worthy to be a Prince! The King asked Prince Nabal why do you think that you are not worthy to be a Prince?

Prince Nabal explained how he had left the kingdom and encountered Emperor Andras who told him that he was not worthy to be a Prince. He told how that Emperor Andras had spies that knew of all the bad things he had done and all that Emperor Andras stated was true, all that he said I did. He is right I am not worthy to be a Prince. I have not been doing what a good Prince should do!

King Grayson replied you are wrong. Emperor Andras did not tell you the truth, but a lie wrapped around the truth. Yes he told the truth regarding what you have done, but not the truth as to what makes you worthy to be a Prince. You are not a prince because of what you do or do not do. You are only a Prince because you are the son of a King which is me.

You are not worthy because of who you are but because of who I am. As long as I am the King, you will always be the Prince no matter what it is you do on don’t do. Can you stop being my son? No! Neither can you stop being the Prince as long as I am King. If anyone ever again challenges your worthiness to be a Prince, just tell them because you are the son of a King!

Do you ever question your worthiness as a Christian? You are not worthy because of what you do or do not do. You are only worthy because of what Jesus did, which makes you a son of the almighty God!

Goodboy :pray: