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The Watchman’s Creed

By Lee Brainard

Are you a watchman? Are you watching for the soon coming of our Lord Jesus Christ? Are you watching for the signs of the times that herald his soon coming? Are you watching for the incursions of the enemy? If so, may this encourage you. If not, may this challenge you.

Elite military units often have creeds that express their vision and esprit de corps. In my Ranger days, we learned and recited the Ranger Creed. It was as much a badge of honor as the scroll on our shoulder.

Watchmen in the church serve, in many ways, the same roll that special operations units serve in the military. They are the cutting edge of prophetic understanding, discernment, and earnestly contending for the faith. They are like the men of Issachar who had understanding of the times and knew what Israel ought to do. In honor of this glorious calling I offer you the Watchman’s Creed.
