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There has never been a time like this for the church when we are loaded with blessings that no other generation was to have, but we have to seek these blessings and make them ours. Why does God give us this overload of riches? Probably because iniquity shall abound and the love of many shall wax cold if they are not prepared for the challenges ahead. Yes, great challenges lie immediately ahead but our blessings in this time period are greater than any challenges if we seek what God is making available for us.

The first blessing exclusively for our generation is that the seal of Daniel would only be opened when knowledge would abound, but this post is not going to major on that for it is obvious that knowledge abounds today. All the knowledge since Adam is available to us so that we are in the enviable position of being able to research anything we want concerning prophecy, the feasts of the Lord as God’s calendar, Bible history, culture and Jewish idioms with endless experts aiding us in video. Roll up, Roll up! You get as much as you want from God and all it requires is effort.

Yet there is an even greater blessing - knowing God like never before! If you want to be a friend of God and understand His heart and intentions…


Until He has executed and performed the thoughts of His heart.
In the latter days you will understand it perfectly.
Jeremiah 23:20

And until He has performed the intents of His heart. In the latter days you will consider it. Jeremiah 30:24

Ellicott: "latter days"--literally, the end of the days.


18For who has stood in the counsel of the Lord,
And has perceived and heard His word?
Who has marked His word and heard it?
19Behold, a whirlwind of the Lord has gone forth in fury
A violent whirlwind!
It will fall violently on the head of the wicked.
20The anger of the Lord will not turn back
Until He has executed and performed the thoughts of His heart.
In the latter days you will understand it perfectly.
Jeremiah 23

Ellicott: "latter days"--literally, the end of the days

23Behold, the whirlwind of the Lord
Goes forth with fury,
A continuing whirlwind;
It will fall violently on the head of the wicked.
24The fierce anger of the Lord will not return until He has done it,
And until He has performed the intents of His heart.
In the latter days you will consider it.
Jeremiah 30:24


Q1) For who has stood in the counsel of the Lord?

"Surely the Lord Jehovah will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret counsel unto his servants the prophets(Amos 3:7).

God calls us to stand in His presence, in the secret place of study, prayer and meditation to hear His counsel to the world. God wants us to understand His heart and what He intends to do about this most pressing matter of His imminent furious violence against sinners, for He is not willing any perish but that all come to repentance (2Pet.3:9), but also know His Spirit will not always strive with man( Gen.6:3) and therefore the restrainer will be removed (2Thes.2:6-7).

Thus the most urgent question for the world today after “what did you do with Jesus’ gospel” is, what will be the Father’s emotion when He hands the scroll to Jesus? What will Jesus’ emotions be? The whole world ought to be terrified of the fury of God for a repeat of the days of Noah is happening with a repeat of terrible judgment also about to happen!

God wants us to understand His heart, His feelings, the jealousy and love He has for His blood bought church, that we are not destined for this period of wrath for we have a destination and a destiny that is literally out of this world. (2Thes,5:9) Every promise of God that comes out of His love is written in the blood of His Son and is written in His Word for our hope of what is to come. Hope is what faith is all about, for all the doctrines of our faith climax in heaven, not on earth.

Jesus’ great desire in His prayer before His death was for us to see the glory He had with the Father (Jn.17:5,24). That will never be seen with fallen eyes on earth. We have to go to heaven to fulfill Jesus’ prayer to see this astounding glory as we look upon our mighty hero Jesus, highly exalted and seated beside the majesty on high, i.e. His almighty, amazing Father, as we hear countless angels singing fearful praises while the throne of God shoots out lightning bolts for thousands of miles with great thunders.

Q2) And has perceived and heard His word?

We need to rightly divide His Word and meditate on it day and night and call out to Him to open His Word and show us the wondrous things therein (Ps.119:18). If we obey, our oil will be ever increasing as the darkness becomes ever more pressing to snuff out the light of God in those who have not prepared for the evil day. The opposite is that the love of many waxes cold because of increasing iniquity for the transgressors must come to the full (Matt.24:12, Dan.8:23).

I have never seen such an assault on the preaching of the pre-trib rapture as is happening today and many are falling for deceiving doctrines because they do not understand God’s emotions, His fury and His heart and intent in these matters.

They even attribute the wrath of God in the first four seals to the devil, the most tragic case of unintentional mistaken identity ever, and therefore believe God’s heart is for the church to suffer under the devil’s wrath but not God’s wrath. Some have figured out that this doesn’t make sense and therefore believe they will be protected when clearly almost all are martyred that refuse to take the mark.

Q3) Who has marked His word and heard it?

This refers to the Jewish tradition of making notes in the margin but God means by ‘Marking His Word’ that we are taking careful heed to His Word and hiding it in our hearts. We need to consider it by praying over it for revelation just as the prophet Daniel did. He believed in a promise for his own generation, that Israel would be returned to the land and God sent Daniel amazing revelations. Likewise we too have a special promise only for our generation to understand God's heart and intent and how and why He delights in lovingkindness, judgment, and righteousness (Jer.9:24). We are the generation that has most to preach about these three delights.


… until He has performed the intents of His heart. In the latter days you will consider it. In the latter days you will understand it perfectly.

We have this promise of a special end-time anointing of the knowledge of God and if we search diligently we will understand the intent of His heart and moreover, we will consider it and understand it perfectly! This is why I ask, What is the Father's emotion when He hands the scroll to Jesus? It is with great pride in His Son and tremendous fury on those who rebel against His Anointed. (Ps.2).

How can we be a friend of God and not understand His emotions? God is about to stand up in the fury of the whirlwind and come with violence and fury to deal with the rebellion against His Son. How exactly does that begin? When the Father hands the Seven Sealed Scroll to Jesus.

Almost all the writing, preaching and confusion about the denials or various timings of the rapture stems from one single problem - we do not understand the intent of His heart. We ought to be talking about what happens immediately after the rapture in heaven that completes the plan of God, for therein lies the secret of the timing of the pre-seven-seals- rapture, for God’s plan cannot be completed on earth. We ought to be preaching about our adoption and joint-inheritance, about the Levitical Laws that Hebrews brings to our attention that need to be legally completed by the church appearing in heaven in new perfect sinless bodies before the Father with witnesses.

We ought to be listening to Paul that the feasts are shadows of what is to come (Col.2:17) for they are God’s calendar and thereby understand the themes so we know what THE LAST TRUMP blast is, what trumpet follows “the last trump” (the great trumpet in the next feast), why the time of Israel's trouble overlaps the opening of the gates of heaven, the marriage of the Messiah and the coronation of the King. All of these themes are miqra in the Hebrew Bible meaning a dress rehearsal just like the barley wave offering has to be waved from the heart upwards to God. We should know what it represents and why there are three resurrection harvests.

We ought not to be confusing the wrath of God for the wrath of the devil because we did not rightly divide the Word of God - what a grievous, demonic case of mistaken identities! We ought to understand God, that He is a jealous God with a full range of emotions, and understand when God's emotions are moved from green in delight in His servants to amber in warnings to red in wrath. We must know and warn that when the red line is crossed He will not turn back until the end judgment is completed.

God first explains all His heart emotions in detail in the OT, describing the whirlwind of His fury so we can warn the world not to mistake the global setting of peace and security, for it will abruptly change when sudden destruction begins as His trap slams shut and the unrighteous, not the church, cannot escape (1Thes.5:3). He explains in the OT and repeats what has provoked Him to such an extent that He will send His dreadful four arrows of wrath that we see copied in the first four seals of Revelation…

21They have made Me jealous with what is not God; They have provoked Me to anger with their idols. So I will make them jealous with those who are not a people; I will provoke them to anger with a foolish nation,

22For a fire has flared in My anger, And it burns to the lowest part of Sheol, And devours the earth with its yield, And sets on fire the foundations of the mountains.

23‘I will add misfortunes to them; I will use up My arrows on them.

24They will be wasted by famine,

and emaciated by plague And a bitter epidemic;

And the teeth of beasts I will send against them, With the venom of crawling things of the dust.

25Outside the sword will make them childless, And inside terror. Deut.32:21-25.

When we study the OT we see the fury of God and we are supposed to recognize this in the first four seals of Revelation. God expects this last generation of the church to understand perfectly what will cause God to multiply His wrath seven fold and why He will be unrelenting. The first four seals are nothing new, they are a repetition of a repetition of God’s regional wrath in the OT. We see God’s emotion, His jealousy and fury resulting in His terrible four arrows.

What is new is that we are on the verge of the final wrath and it is not to be regional, it is to be global resulting in almost all life on earth being extinguished. Yet because many teachers begin at the back of the book and see the word wrath in Revelation instead of beginning at the front of the book, and so they mistake God’s wrath repeated in the first four seals for the devil and get deceived into the pre-wrath or post-trib doctrines that necessitate mistaking God for the devil!


The obedient church will be eagerly waiting and expecting Jesus’ rapture on the day of redemption. We will be lifting our heads for we know the signs He gave us cannot be mistaken for any other generation. Get over the error of imminence that was taught before the seal of Daniel was opened - we made mistakes because it was not for us to understand fully until God opened the seal.

The rapture could not have happened before the Internet because knowledge never abounded until the smartphone was invented. Only now could Daniel’s prophecy be fulfilled for the seal to be opened for us to search God’s Word and fulfill the next prophecy, that in the end days we are to understand fully and perfectly the thoughts and intentions of God’s heart regarding the global provocations, His emotions, and His violent fury like the whirlwind.

The Antichrist’s total surveillance system that monitors the real time buying and selling of everything could not have happened before the Internet with AI is in place and an electronic tattoo is ready. Everything necessary for the beast’s reign is almost ready now and we are not in darkness that that day over take us like a thief. (1Thes.5:4).


Pre-wrathers think the wrath of God begins with the 6th seal. Post-tribbers think the wrath of God begins at the 7th seal and crow about the 7th trumpet as the last trumpet blown by an angel. This means they all have to come up with a who-done-it for the first 4 seals and beyond that. If we don’t know the emotions of God, when His anger turns to fury, then we cannot understand when the wrath of God begins or what comes next.

However if we understand His fury is shaking the earth and burning down to hell, in other words it can’t be any worse, and if we know His four terrible arrows from the OT are…

1) Conquest/War (the sword)
2) Famine
4)Wild Animals Killing.

Then we know with absolute certainty that the fury of God begins when the scroll is handed to Jesus and the wrath of God begins with the first seal judgment.

Post-tribbers do not understand the Feast of Trumpets was celebrated by Paul and the apostles and had been for 1400 years when Paul wrote about the last trumpet rapture. They do not understand God’s timeline in the revelation of the New Testament, that Paul fully disclosed the rapture at the last trump in AD60 while Jesus only told John about 7 angels blowing angelic trumpets 35 years after Jesus told Paul about the last trump rapture.

At the last trump is when God reveals Jesus to the church in the glorious rapture, when the whirlwind of fury is about to happen, and only God can blow the trumpet of God. No angels will ever blow the trumpet of God…

Aramaic Bible in Plain English
And LORD JEHOVAH will be revealed unto them, and his arrow will go forth as lightning, and The Lord of Lords shall sound on the trumpet and he shall go in a whirlwind to the South. Zech.914

King James Bible
And the LORD shall be seen over them, and his arrow shall go forth as the lightning: and the Lord GOD shall blow the trumpet, and shall go with whirlwinds of the south.

First the trumpet for the glorious revelation of Jesus and the rapture and then the whirlwind of fury. Who blows the trumpet of God? The Lord of lords. When? When He is revealed and about to go forth in fury like a sudden whirlwind. Did you ever see a video of a whirlwind suddenly starting out of nowhere and gaining strength until it terrorizes everyone? It begins like the labor pains of a woman (1Thes.5:3).

In my next study on the wrath of God we shall examine what God means by His arrows, and His rules of engagement, but for today our focus is on God’s emotions, and the thoughts and intentions of His heart.

On one hand God asks us to understand His heart and plan for the church He bought with the blood of His Son (Mal.3:17), and at the same time to understand His heart towards the rebellion that He has been patient in longsuffering until the transgressors come to the full and the red line is crossed.(Dan.8:23)

The secret of the timing of the rapture is to understand God's heart and when we understand that, we will understand perfectly what is coming in heaven above and on the earth below. When we understand God’s heart, we will understand the why and the when and we will not confuse God with the devil! We will consider these matters and understand it perfectly, but we need to seek God earnestly like Daniel did.

Exactly how did Daniel receive the counsel from God and more than he asked for? He sought God in prayer and fasting and the study of prophecy (Dan.10). That is how we too will receive this promised blessing, by setting our heart to obtain this prize of knowing God’s heart above everything else in life, applying yourself in diligent study of His Word, and calling upon God to give you this blessing in Jesus name.

How often do you hear preaching on the feelings of God, what turns His anger to unstoppable fury in a whirlwind, and exactly what four steps He begins His wrath with? Unless we begin with the heart of God, we miss the purpose in both the rapture and His wrath.

Enoch walked with God. Abraham was a friend of God. David was a man after God’s own heart. Moses understood God’s ways while Israel only saw God’s acts (Ps.103:7) and that unfortunately is where most of the church is today, talking about the acts of God to come with little comprehension about the intent of His heart. If we understood God’s heart the church would be ablaze with the wonders of what comes next for the church immediately after the rapture instead of endless circular debates about the timing of the rapture. We have this amazing promise that we can have a greater understanding than any previous generation if we deliberately seek God and require this of Him.

But let him that glorieth glory in this, that he understandeth and knoweth me, that I am the LORD which exercise lovingkindness, judgment, and righteousness, in the earth: for in these things I delight, saith the LORD. Jer.9:24

If we want to understand the rapture and final wrath of God, it begins with understanding and knowing the thoughts and intentions of God’s heart rather than beginning with the acts of God. We are going to experience His lovingkindness and righteousness with Him in the astounding glories of heaven while the earth is going to experience His righteous judgment until men are rarer than the gold of Ophir. (Isa.13:12).

Understanding the timing of the rapture begins with knowing God, warning the world about the imminent consequences of the wicked provocations of the nations, explaining God’s anger is about to explode in righteous fury and then the Lord of lords will blow the last trump. That will be when Jesus reveals Himself to us in the escape and rescue of the church followed by the whirlwind of His violent wrath.

God wants us to know and fully understand His thoughts and the intent of His heart.

Meantime, the church spends its time debating in-house the timing of the rapture and confusing God with the devil while the world is oblivious to how close doom and destruction really is.

I think I understand the heart of God. And I do understand the reasons for the wrath that He will unleash on this planet. But right now, at this present time, God's love for souls is predominant. His heart towards the lost is motivating Him to motivate us to do all we can to share the Gospel ... at home and abroad. He is love. And His heart is towards reaping every last soul possible before the Rapture. For after the Rapture God's wrath will build in its manifestation among men until it is fully unleashed at the Final Trump. But amazingly --until that time-- God's love for the souls of those whom He has created is still at the heart of everything He does!!! In fact, the first part of the Great Tribulation will witness a great reaping of souls! And that reaping is a result of His great and incomprehensible love!

Yes, warnings are important; but they are a product of His great love. And that love must always be evident in how we act and what we say. Therefore I will continue to preach the love of God as demonstrated in the gospel of Jesus Christ (bearing in mind that the true gospel contains the warning of Hell as well as the promise of Heaven.) But His love is my motivation ... and my message... because it is His.
I believe that even God's judgments during Tribulation are done out of love. The result will be many gentiles coming to saving faith who might not otherwise have found salvation and Israel finally discovering and embracing their Redeemer. Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!
I think I understand the heart of God. And I do understand the reasons for the wrath that He will unleash on this planet. But right now, at this present time, God's love for souls is predominant. His heart towards the lost is motivating Him to motivate us to do all we can to share the Gospel ... at home and abroad. He is love. And His heart is towards reaping every last soul possible before the Rapture. For after the Rapture God's wrath will build in its manifestation among men until it is fully unleashed at the Final Trump. But amazingly --until that time-- God's love for the souls of those whom He has created is still at the heart of everything He does!!! In fact, the first part of the Great Tribulation will witness a great reaping of souls! And that reaping is a result of His great and incomprehensible love!

Yes, warnings are important; but they are a product of His great love. And that love must always be evident in how we act and what we say. Therefore I will continue to preach the love of God as demonstrated in the gospel of Jesus Christ (bearing in mind that the true gospel contains the warning of Hell as well as the promise of Heaven.) But His love is my motivation ... and my message... because it is His.
The problem I have with your comment is there is no urgency. You could have made this comment in 1924 and it would have been true, but is that the message today when the world is on fire prophetically? Do we see 'that day approach' when the lost are left to the wrath of God for 7 terrible years?

Does God intend us to understand the intent of His heart in this final generation regarding His fury and wrath?

19Behold, a whirlwind of the Lord has gone forth in fury
A violent whirlwind!
It will fall violently on the head of the wicked.
20The anger of the Lord will not turn back
Until He has executed and performed the thoughts of His heart.
In the latter days you will understand it perfectly.
Jeremiah 23

Why is God not saying we will perfectly understand His love? My guess is that we have understood that for 2000 years but now we are fast running out of time! Let's review what the gospel is...


16For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. 17 For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith for faith, as it is written, “The righteous shall live by faith.”

18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth.... 24Therefore God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, to the dishonoring of their bodies among themselves, 25because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie... 26For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions... 28And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a debased mind to do what ought not to be done. Rom.1


4Or do you presume on the riches of his kindness and forbearance and patience, not knowing that God’s kindness is meant to lead you to repentance? 5But because of your hard and impenitent heart you are storing up wrath for yourself on the day of wrath when God’s righteous judgment will be revealed.Rom2

6Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of these things the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience. Eph.5

5Put to death therefore what is earthly in you: sexual immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry. 6 On account of these the wrath of God is coming. Col.3


5 For they deliberately overlook this fact, that the heavens existed long ago, and the earth was formed out of water and through water by the word of God, 6and that by means of these the world that then existed was deluged with water and perished. 7But by the same word the heavens and earth that now exist are stored up for fire, being kept until the day of judgment and destruction of the ungodly.2Pet.3

when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven with his mighty angels 8in flaming fire, inflicting vengeance on those who do not know God and on those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus. 9They will suffer the punishment of eternal destruction, away from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his might, 10when he comes on that day to be glorified in his saints, and to be marveled at among all who have believed, because our testimony to you was believed. 2Thes.1


Today people mock the term "being saved" for we don't teach the fear of God. If they understood how terrifying eternal damnation is in the wrath of God, the command and urgent need to be saved from the wrath of God, the impossibility of saving ourselves by good deeds, and that there is only one way to escape the wrath of God and that is through the love of God, then we are preaching the gospel.

2024 is not like 1924. The prophecies warn us that God is very close to the last chance to escape the wrath of God that results in men being rarer than the gold of Ophir and how that will happen is terrifying.

So what is God's heart? To preach the love of God and not the wrath of God? Not to warn all men? I don't mean the way the gospel was preached a few hundred years back, but the strange this is that preachers were on fire then preaching the wrath of God as well as the love of God and revivals happened in history because of the fear of God. Yet today we are facing the end of the age of grace and few preachers are warning what must come next is knocking at the door prophetically.

28Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ. Col.1

Of course I agree about preaching the love of God and that ought to be taken for granted. However there is a promise for the church for this generation and we need to read it carefully and the focus is on God's fury and wrath. Doesn't that make sense, that the love of God implores us like never before to warn every man that time is up and what are the consequences to ignoring this warning?
I believe that even God's judgments during Tribulation are done out of love. The result will be many gentiles coming to saving faith who might not otherwise have found salvation and Israel finally discovering and embracing their Redeemer. Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!
In the dead sea scrolls the early church wrote that the purpose of the great tribulation is to bring about repentance.
In the dead sea scrolls the early church wrote that the purpose of the great tribulation is to bring about repentance.
I've always said it was to end the fullness of the Gentiles, save billions of gentile unbelievers, punish evil doers that are in a fever pitch, and see national Israel repent and call down the King of Kings and Lord of Lords to rescue them and usher in the MK.
I've always said it was to end the fullness of the Gentiles, save billions of gentile unbelievers, punish evil doers that are in a fever pitch, and see national Israel repent and call down the King of Kings and Lord of Lords to rescue them and usher in the MK.
I do recall that @PaidInFull believes it will be the rapture of the Church that causes Israel (jealous) to repent and call Jesus to rescue them. I am not sure I am sold on this belief yet.
I do recall that @PaidInFull believes it will be the rapture of the Church that causes Israel (jealous) to repent and call Jesus to rescue them. I am not sure I am sold on this belief yet.
That may partially be the reason but i also thought that after they see the antichrist for who he actually is and they realise their error and maybe it's the Holy Spirit that opens their eyes to realise that Jesus was the promised Messiah all along ?
I don't have time to reply properly to what provokes Israel but we need a tick sheet.

1) A nation that is not a nation. We are a holy nation of kings and priests unto God, but not listed by the UN as a nation.

2) This nation was not seeking God, unlike Israel, yet found God.

3) In the feasts of the Lord, in Passover Israel celebrates their deliverance not understanding the double fulfillment that the lamb in Egypt symbolized the Lamb of God, not given for Israel but for the world.

4) In the feast of trumpets Israel celebrates the opening of the gates of heaven and the marriage of Messiah. The sheaf of barley is taken by the high priest, pressed to his heart and then lifted high and waved to God in the wave offering.

5) When our great high priest brings the church to His heart in the rapture, Israel's eyes will be opened and they will be filled with jealousy that the things they celebrated for 3400 years was not understood and now the door is shut. Only a remnant believed.
I am going to post this one more time...

19Behold, a whirlwind of the Lord has gone forth in fury
A violent whirlwind!
It will fall violently on the head of the wicked.
20The anger of the Lord will not turn back
Until He has executed and performed the thoughts of His heart.
In the latter days you will understand it perfectly.
Jeremiah 23

This is about the emotions of God and His coming furious wrath.

For 2,000 years we have known His love and here is a promise to pray over just like Daniel, and the church is missing it. What does God say we are to understand perfectly?

Take a tick sheet and go through this promise line by line until you understand it, and then pray like Daniel did until you really understand it.

There was a tremendous spiritual awaking in the 18th century that swept the USA, and it was one sermon preached by one man.

The title of that sermon was Sinners In The Hands Of An Angry God.

We have an angry God today who is being provoked like never before as we shout our abortions, and parade half naked on the streets holding high the rainbow of Gay Pride.

We hand over kids over to woke education so they think there are a hundred genders and this is evolution.

We even have Bible Colleges repenting to plants because we have offended mother earth.

But take note, though the provocations are great, this is not yet the fury of God, but we are close.

If we don't tell the world that the cross was both the love and wrath of God, but every person has to decide which side they are on, and if we don't call out sins that governments are conspiring together against God to promote and fund with our taxes, then how will the world understand?

If we don't tell them we are fast running out of time when God's anger will be provoked to fury and wrath - how will they know?

We are supposed to perfectly understand the love and fury and wrath of God like no other generation for no other generation is faced with the days of Noah when total mortal depravity will result in every thought of man being continually evil all of the time. Gen.6:5.

BUT, like Daniel, this understanding about God's emotions and fury and His coming wrath doesn't come with a superficial reading. God put a condition on understanding it, and I have emphasized that.

The church is the custodian of God's prophetic Word, and we are called to make His final witness, His final plea to the world, for what is coming is so terrible that it is beyond any horror movie when the fallen angels are confined to earth.
If we don't tell the world that the cross was both the love and wrath of God, but every person has to decide which side we are on, and if we don't call out sin that the governments are conspiring against God to promote, then how will the world understand?

Has anyone wondered if that open Gospel door of the Philidelphia church was partly because of increased population of the world and thus an open door to get the Gospel out to the multitudes?

1) A nation that is not a nation. We are a holy nation of kings and priests unto God, but not listed by the UN as a nation.

I love this!

WITH A FOOLISH NATION I WILL ANGER YOU.”20And Isaiah is very bold and says,






I like all of these responses and getting sharper and sharper. Not sure this will sharpen anyone but in his Campaign of Armageddon article from many years ago, Mr. Fructenbaum mentions the very end of the tribulation period being the time of "national" Israel as a whole repenting, near extermination, and seeing our King of Kings and Lord of Lords coming in the air and rescuing them all. I'm in total agreement on this timing.
I do recall that @PaidInFull believes it will be the rapture of the Church that causes Israel (jealous) to repent and call Jesus to rescue them. I am not sure I am sold on this belief yet.
I have thought about this and just imagine if we were raptured during a feast time. That would surely get the religious Jews’ attention. Now for the secular, atheist Jews, I don’t know.
Israel will be boiled down to 1/3. I can see the repentance happening in shifts or waves.
If we are to be preaching God’s fury along with the Good News then shouldn’t we expect that God the Holy Spirit would be imparting this knowledge and raising up Christians around the world who are compelled by His leading to do this? I imagine seeing a lot more megaphones and sandwich boards but maybe it would be little old ladies in grocery lines as well, just telling it like it is to the people around them.
The Antichrist’s total surveillance system that monitors the real time buying and selling of everything could not have happened before the Internet with AI is in place and an electronic tattoo is ready. Everything necessary for the beast’s reign is almost ready now and we are not in darkness that that day over take us like a thief. (1Thes.5:4).
Is this a biblical view? We have no idea what system if any the beast will use for the MOB. It could simply be a type of tattoo that must be visibly shown in order to buy and sell. Just because we have the technology now to have a high tech system to monitor all transactions, does not mean thats what the beast will use. The bible only states the MOB is for buying and selling, it does not mention a tracking surveillance system. Additionally, with all the destruction caused by man killing man, judgements from God killing half the left behind persons by the mid point of the 7 year tribulation, there may not be any internet working as we know it now. The MOB is implemented at the mid point of the tribulation.
I’m not paidinfull but there has to be a way for the whole entire world to see the Two Witnesses. I can’t imagine how without the internet. But you certainly could be right that the mark is a simple tattoo. And look at how tattoos are so mainstream now.
Agree, there will be some system in place for all to see the 2 witnesses.

Even if the internet as we know it now may not be the same during the tribulation, Im sure the AC will have in place a way to transmit to the entire world.

It is of course possible, and perhaps likely, that the beast system will be a high tech tracking system in order to buy or sell. My point was we cant know with a high degree of certainty what system will be used.