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The Southern Border Crisis Is ‘Intentional,’ Experts Say --Washington Stand


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The Southern Border Crisis Is ‘Intentional,’ Experts Say​

Sarah Holliday

Recent reports show how damaging the southern border crisis continues to be, as millions of migrants stream into the U.S. illegally. Even Barack Obama’s Homeland Security secretary, Jeh Johnson, admitted, “[T]his needs to be, for the Biden administration, for the U.S. government, an all-hands-on-deck, whole-of-government effort to address this crisis.” It’s turning “cities upside down,” he insisted. Ten years ago, Johnson shook his head, “[We] felt like the world was coming to an end” when the numbers were a fraction of what they are now.

This week in New York City, nursing home residents were forced to relocate to make room for undocumented migrants. Frank Tammaro, a 95-year-old Korean War veteran, was given less than two months to find a new living situation. Additionally, unregistered cars and illegal drivers have been found throughout NYC. Witnesses told Breitbart News that they’re seeing more car accidents, migrants “barbecuing in the woods” near playgrounds, and parking lots left cluttered with trash and broken-down furniture.

On Wednesday’s edition of “Washington Watch with Tony Perkins,” Todd Bensman, senior national security fellow for the Center for Immigration Studies, discussed causes and dangers of this crisis.

Bensman has spent a lot of time covering border issues. As a former journalist, he covered the Mexican government’s war on the drug cartels in the early 2000s. Prior to working for the Center for Immigrations Studies, he was involved in the intelligence business regarding the border at the Texas Department of Public Safety Intelligence Counterterrorism Division. “t’s just kind of in my blood,” he said.

Perkins said the question on many people’s minds is whether this loss of border control is intentional. Bensman answered, “Yes, it’s very purposeful. This is not incompetence.”
He continued, “It’s [the Biden administration’s] stated spoken policy to create ‘lawful pathways’ [for illegal immigrants to come] over that border into the country … Never anything about blocking, stopping, deterring, ending illegal immigration. Just facilitating it. It’s really the first time in American history that we’ve ever had an administration take that position.” Bensman went on to say that “ideologues” in the White House who believe borders are “evil and immoral” is what led to this border crisis.

Additionally, Bensman said, “This is a historic mass migration crisis by every metric. We have never had anything like this in the American experience. And, so, our infrastructure for dealing with it has completely collapsed.” Perkins added, “There’s really nothing being done to stop this from happening. [A]s you said, it can’t be incompetence. It has to be intentional.”

The discussion also shed light on how this crisis has “empowered and enriched” drug cartels by increased drug trafficking, which Bensman noted as their main source of income. As he explained, this is a threat because, with that money, the cartels could buy arms, tanks, grenades, and anything military grade they can get their hands on.
Bensman further emphasized how this catastrophe is directly linked to the Biden administration. But these policies can be reversed, he argued, by bringing an elected official into the White House, a Republican in particular, who will work on reversing what has been put into effect, which is “the only possible end in sight.” However, the damage from these policies may not be reversable, he added.

“It’s truly the ultimate stranger danger. … We have no idea who’s crossing that border, but they’re crossing and being allowed in by the millions,” Bensman said.

Perkins concluded, "[T]his is another example, just one of many, of how elections matter. We need to pray, we need to vote, and we need to stand."

Sarah Holliday is a reporter at The Washington Stand.

Original article reprinted by kind permission of the Washington Stand.
I guess this is how they'll force families to take in elderly family members, who they cannot care for properly, and likely cannot afford to, either themselves or by paying someone to come in to do at least some of the work :mad:
By extension, I can see them doing the same with mentally ill in institutions and community care :mad:

:mad: :headbang:

This will lead to a spike in homicides and suicides from the stress, exhaustion, feeling trapped, overcrowding, domestic violence, etc.
TPTB will get ordinary people to do their dirty work for them :mad: Given the social zeitgeist of good is bad and bad is good, senior and elder lives don't matter, and the move toward rationing medical care, etc. especially for old people, handicapped, etc., I doubt many, if any, prosecutions.

:mad: :headbang:

The Southern Border Crisis Is ‘Intentional,’ Experts Say​

Sarah Holliday

Recent reports show how damaging the southern border crisis continues to be, as millions of migrants stream into the U.S. illegally. Even Barack Obama’s Homeland Security secretary, Jeh Johnson, admitted, “[T]his needs to be, for the Biden administration, for the U.S. government, an all-hands-on-deck, whole-of-government effort to address this crisis.” It’s turning “cities upside down,” he insisted. Ten years ago, Johnson shook his head, “[We] felt like the world was coming to an end” when the numbers were a fraction of what they are now.

This week in New York City, nursing home residents were forced to relocate to make room for undocumented migrants. Frank Tammaro, a 95-year-old Korean War veteran, was given less than two months to find a new living situation. Additionally, unregistered cars and illegal drivers have been found throughout NYC. Witnesses told Breitbart News that they’re seeing more car accidents, migrants “barbecuing in the woods” near playgrounds, and parking lots left cluttered with trash and broken-down furniture.

On Wednesday’s edition of “Washington Watch with Tony Perkins,” Todd Bensman, senior national security fellow for the Center for Immigration Studies, discussed causes and dangers of this crisis.

Bensman has spent a lot of time covering border issues. As a former journalist, he covered the Mexican government’s war on the drug cartels in the early 2000s. Prior to working for the Center for Immigrations Studies, he was involved in the intelligence business regarding the border at the Texas Department of Public Safety Intelligence Counterterrorism Division. “t’s just kind of in my blood,” he said.

Perkins said the question on many people’s minds is whether this loss of border control is intentional. Bensman answered, “Yes, it’s very purposeful. This is not incompetence.”
He continued, “It’s [the Biden administration’s] stated spoken policy to create ‘lawful pathways’ [for illegal immigrants to come] over that border into the country … Never anything about blocking, stopping, deterring, ending illegal immigration. Just facilitating it. It’s really the first time in American history that we’ve ever had an administration take that position.” Bensman went on to say that “ideologues” in the White House who believe borders are “evil and immoral” is what led to this border crisis.

Additionally, Bensman said, “This is a historic mass migration crisis by every metric. We have never had anything like this in the American experience. And, so, our infrastructure for dealing with it has completely collapsed.” Perkins added, “There’s really nothing being done to stop this from happening. [A]s you said, it can’t be incompetence. It has to be intentional.”

The discussion also shed light on how this crisis has “empowered and enriched” drug cartels by increased drug trafficking, which Bensman noted as their main source of income. As he explained, this is a threat because, with that money, the cartels could buy arms, tanks, grenades, and anything military grade they can get their hands on.
Bensman further emphasized how this catastrophe is directly linked to the Biden administration. But these policies can be reversed, he argued, by bringing an elected official into the White House, a Republican in particular, who will work on reversing what has been put into effect, which is “the only possible end in sight.” However, the damage from these policies may not be reversable, he added.

“It’s truly the ultimate stranger danger. … We have no idea who’s crossing that border, but they’re crossing and being allowed in by the millions,” Bensman said.

Perkins concluded, "[T]his is another example, just one of many, of how elections matter. We need to pray, we need to vote, and we need to stand."

Sarah Holliday is a reporter at The Washington Stand.

Original article reprinted by kind permission of the Washington Stand.

The sad thing is, Washington and New York could care less about the Southern border states, or the Southern states alotogether. The problem with this immigration has been going on for decades. But Washington and other northern states didn't feel it...so they cared less about it.

But now, after immigrants are being bussed to Washington, New York and other 'sanctuary'places, they feel it. And so now it is an issue. They may call it a 'Southern Border Crisis', but that is just a lie. It's a crisis for the northern states, so it must now be addressed. And as soon as the crisis in the northern states is stabelized, they will once again ignore the 'Southern Border Crisis'

The alarm, as I said, has been sounded for decades. But upon deaf ears...willingly deaf ears.

Intentional? You bet. One has just to look at the Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1965. This Act give preferential treatement to third world peoples as opposed to European immigrants. In other words, the U.S. wanted to slow the flow of immigration from Europe and increase it for the third world countries. And we wonder why we are becoming a third world country.

A book was written in 1996, by a well known journalist, Georgie Anne Geyer, called 'Americans No More' that deals with this very problem. Thus it is a 'known problem' but ignored because it is an intenional problem.

Our govenment is so invested in 'diversity' that it will force it upon it's citizens even though it's killing us all. And they could care less that it's killing us all as long as they keep preaching it. A nation of fools.

I suggest anyone who is interested to buy the book. You can still get it. But settle in your mind first that our governement will never do anything about it. You just get to understand why we worship the third world peoples and their so-called rich cultures and demonize the white culture which has contributed much more than any other race on the earth. Third world peoples arn't running to white run nations for nothing.
