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The Point of No Return (Part 1 of 2)

By Nathan Jones for
The Christ in Prophecy

Terry Cooper: One of the greatest revivals in the Old Testament happened in a place called Nineveh. God uses the most unlikely circumstances to do the most incredible things. So I’m going to address a spiritual question that many do not want to tackle. Let me just start by asking a question: Is there a point of no return with God?

Can a person reach a point in their rebellion against God that He lets them go to their own destruction, abandoning them to an eternity in hell?
We’re not going to focus on opinions. Everybody’s got one of those. I believe the Bible is the only physical source of absolute truth on this earth. And so we’re going to trust the Bible to answer the question: “Is there a point of no return?”

Learn from Judah
Let’s offer a visual representation of this question. Is there a point where there are no more exits on the road that you have chosen to walk upon? No way to get off of the road you’re on? Let’s say you can’t turn around or get on another road. No more off ramps. You’ve passed the last one.

Let’s begin in the Old Testament with the nation of Judah around 600 years before Christ. Ezekiel 14:12 says,

"Then this message came to me from the Lord: “Son of man, suppose the people of a country were to sin against Me, and I lifted My fist to crush them, cutting off their food supply and sending a famine to destroy both people and animals. Even if Noah, Daniel, and Job were there, their righteousness would save no one but themselves, says the Sovereign Lord.” (NLT throughout, unless noted)

We have three things in this text. First, we’re dealing with a nation, a country. “Suppose a nation were to sin against Me.” But a nation is just an assembly of people. So, this country, this nation, has sinned against God so much that God has raised His fist to crush them. He declares that He is going to destroy them. God told Ezekiel, I’m going to bring destruction upon people and animals alike.

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